"Nigga you was in there crying." I said pushing him gently.

"Real shyt you're definitely in my top one." Legend said pulling me close to him. "Let's go, Jizzle just text me saying that they were around the corner and I don't wanna be here when they arrive because Jizzle was drinking red wine at dinner and... let's just say your cousin might end up pregnant." Legend said and that was a scary thought.

We weren't that far from Legend's house, we had stopped behind a car and his hand was on my thigh, he had that look in his eye that told me he what type of shyt he'd be on when we got back to his house. The car ahead of us started to move and then their tire blew out... Legend jumped and his whole demeanor changed; he had this far away look in his eyes and he started to hyperventilate. His hands were shaking on the steering wheel and the next thing I knew we were flying down the street, 50, 60, 70..... I was scared for my life and Legend didn't seem to hear me telling him to slow down. We pulled into the driveway and Legend jumped out the car, before I realized what was happening he was walking back out with a gun that was bigger than me.

"AYYY AYYY LEGEND, LOOK AT ME BRUH!!! YOU ARE GOOD, I PROMISE YOU CHILL RELAX!!!!" D-Man said running over to Legend and stopping, D-Man didn't have anything but a towel wrapped around his waist but I could tell he didn't care his main concern was Legend. "Ayy Cody... go get Chris!" D-Man said and I ran into the house just as Chris was walking down the stairs.

"Umm Legend.. he umm.... I don't know there was this car and the tire blew out.... he just...." Chris seemed to understand what I was saying and he ran outside. Rú was sitting on the couch playing the game and I wondered why he wasn't going outside.

"Legend's coo... he just... he's seen a lot of shyt and it's best if I stay in here because I don't like seeing my bro like that." Rú said and I walked back to the door and watched as Chris spoke to Legend in a calm, even voice.

"Now you see why I'm so protective of that nigga... and if you were wondering why a grown ass man has three other niggas living with him especially when he has all these other properties... that's why." D-Man said walking up the stairs and staring at me. "This wasn't even that bad... I've seen worse, so you need to ask yourself if you're ready to deal with this when it inevitably happens again." D-Man said before walking into the house, I looked at Legend and Chris, they were talking quietly and I noticed Legend nodding every few words before finally they walked up to the porch, tears frozen on Legend's face.

"I'm sorry...." Legend said walking into the house and he looked so vulnerable, nothing like the confident dude who approached me at my job.

"I'm about to make some drinks... you want one or I can take you home if that what you wanna do. I'm sure Legend will understand." Chris said gently.

"No I umm I uhh... I'll take that drink." I said walking into the house. Legend was standing in the kitchen looking out into his backyard, I didn't know what to say to help him but I was kinda glad I saw this... Legend always seemed so confident and almost too perfect; amazing dick, sexy as fuck, he had his shyt together... but this made him seem more human.

"Again I'm sorry you had to see that... I've been doing good for the last few weeks being able to suppress my PTSD but hearing that tire blow... it took me back to a very bad day I had and I guess it's still affecting me." Legend said turning towards me. "I'm getting therapy but it's not... I guess it's not working. I'll understand if you wanna end this...." Legend said looking a little crestfallen.

"Legend I like what we're doing and it's going to take more than that to scare me away." I said walking over to him. "My aunt told me that when you find a man with good dick and even better credit you gotta hold on to him despite his flaws." I said and Legend managed to smile. Chris walked into the kitchen and handed both me and Legend.

"Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting and drinking; if you cheat, may you cheat death. If you steal, may you steal a person's heart. If you fight, may you fight for a brother. If you drink, may you drink with me. Semper Fi." Legend and Chris said in unison before raising their glasses in salute. "I needed that.... look I'm about to take a shower and get ready for bed." Legend said making another drink.

"Ayy I'm going to have Rú take me to the airport." D-Man said walking into the kitchen and Legend nodded, before downing his drink once he was finished he grabbed my hand and led me up to his bedroom.

"You know what... on second thought I think I wanna take a bath." Legend said when we walked into his master bathroom. "Damn your stuff is still in the car..... umm run down and get it and I'll get the bath started." Legend said and I nodded. After getting my bag, I was walked through the living room D-Man looked at me but his eyes were a lot less hostile, he seemed intrigued that I was still here. I didn't know what the future had in store for me and Legend but I really liked him and it wasn't in my nature to run at the first sign of trouble, I wanted to see where we could take this thing and I was willing to accept all of Legend, the good and the bad.... I just prayed that the next time this happened I knew exactly what to do because I wanted to help him work through his PTSD and help him heal from whatever horrors he may have seen or done.......................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Nolan, Jerú, D-Man, Chris, or Jizzle?

2) What should be the next stories I post chapters for; Amor é Eterno, Brittany Hills: Seattle, Defender, Demon's Song, Exiled Again, Final Semester, Hell On An Angel 3, or Their Bottom? PICK FOUR!!!!

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