Chapter 11

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Jack's POV

He looked around the house with his big, hazel, doe eyes. His warm hand in mine felt perfect in every way. Cole doesn't have many memories of me, but I've savored every memory of him for the past nine years, though even I only have a few.

I was a 9 year old in 3rd grade when he approached me on the playground— little, green eyed Spencer, offering his hand out for a mutual friendship. We were both quiet and reserved, introverted but desiring a friend.

Our friendship progressed slowly, to the point where we started having sleepovers and spending time at each others houses. Spencer warned me about his annoying older step brother, who was in 4th grade at the time. Not having a sibling myself, I grew about this mysterious boy I only heard about.

Every word spoken from Spencer's mouth awoke my vivid imagination. It didn't help that there weren't any family photos laying around Spencer's large house. "He's obsessed with baseball, so he's always out practicing." Spencer replied, when I asked his why Cole was never around. "Why do you ask?" I just shrugged. I didn't have an answer for that one.

A few months after we met, Cole was home sick. "We have to be quiet, my brother is home sick." Spencer whispered as we crept through the house down to his room. As we began to play video games, I set my controller down. "I have to go to the bathroom." "Kay." Spencer never lifted his eyes off his game as I left the room and crept up the stairs till I stood in front of Cole's door. Taking deep breaths, I slowly opened his door and peered inside.

The room was dim, but a window was slightly open, allowing a soft light to shine down on a lumpy form on the bed, covered in blankets. I walked forward and looked down on Cole's sleeping face. He was flushed and sweating because of the fever, and he mumbled in his sleep. I reaching out, running my curious hand through his blonde hair. So this was Cole. He looked nothing like Spencer. I felt my heart flutter, something I had never felt before.

I stood over him, watching him in fascination and petting his hair until I heard Spencer quietly calling my name, wondering where I had gone. I quickly left the room and ran back downstairs, saying I had to get water.

From that day, since I finally knew what he looked like, I would sometimes catch glimpses of Cole at school or whenever I went to Spencer's house, but he never seemed to notice me. He knew I was Spencer's friend...but that's all I've ever been.

As I got older and started to get into the family business, I wondered what it would be like to have sex with Cole, my first love. To see his brown eyes locked on mine with lust, to hear his moans as I pound into him...

Of course, I never got Cole, I got his step brother; and thinking I could steer my love away from Cole, I concentrated solely on Spencer--only doing bareback with him, flirting with him, hanging out only with him--It never worked, my mind was completely set on the one who I'd never have...Until Spencer approached me last week in a frenzy, saying that his brother found a video. And then I knew...Cole could still be mine.


Cole's POV

He led me through the large house filled with empty rooms and I had a hard time believing that anybody even lived here. There was a kitchen and everything; but other than that this place didn't feel homey at all.

"My parents tend to spend more time in the work building editing videos and marketing than in their own home...although they'll sometimes film in here to do a little home scene before the action." The fact that Jack's parents were in on the 'business' and were okay with Jack being a pornstar made me question a lot of things about their parenting...

"My room is up here," Jack said. He led me up a set of stairs to the third and final floor, "This whole floor is mine." I gaped at him, then at the multiple rooms around us, "You're not serious."

He was serious. He had a gaming room, a home movie theatre, a master bedroom, a massive bathroom, and a room filled with books and a table for studying. "Shit...this is magnificent." I stared at awe at everything. "Like I said, I'm a very fortunate person, and I'm very grateful for what I have."

"Now let's go to the work building in the back and fill out the paperwork, shall we?" Jack pecked me on the cheek as he walked by me and took my hand again; which I had released when I went to touch pretty much everything he owned.

"Why do you call it a 'work building'?" I asked curiously. He just shrugged, "That's what I've always called it, since I was little and not allowed in it." "Oh." Jack led me to the back of the house and opened the door for me. "Where are we going?" I asked, stepping through. "I already told you, the work building."

Confused, I let him pull me down a small path through his back yard towards the small woods that loomed ahead. "I usually ride my bike there...but it's not that far away, and I think you'll enjoy the walk." And boy was he right. I stopped multiple times to look at flowers, a lone deer watching us through the trees, or to listen to birds singing up in the trees.

"Here it is." Jack interrupted my little staring contest with a little bunny eating a dandelion to the right of the path and I looked up to find the most interesting building I have ever seen. Just outside there were hammocks and comfy looking lawn furniture and the front of the house was covered in large windows. "Come on, it's a weekday, so not many people should be here." He led me inside, and already I could hear faint moans and cries, along with the cracking of a whip. "Sounds like they're shooting a video...I'm going to go find my just wait right here, I'll be back really soon!" Jack ran off down the hall, making a sharp left at the end and leaving me alone.

I fidgeted for a while, getting slightly turned on by the moans near by. The door behind me suddenly opened and I whipped around to find myself looking at a man. A very, very sexy asian (or at least half asian) man. He was taller than be by at least half a foot, jet black hair sticking up in all directions, dark black eyes staring right into my own eyes. His eyes were filled with an emotion I couldn't emotion I had never seen before. I felt my heart start to pound.

I ran my eyes down him, he wore red skinny jeans and black high tops, a white, short-sleeved shirt and black beats around his neck on top. His arms were pretty well built, and his core looked pretty taken care of. I shifted my gaze back to his eyes to find him eyeing me up and down as well. I mentally screamed for Jack to return.

"You new here?" The guy closed the door and stepped closer to me, reaching out to ruffle my hair. I scratched my head and looked awkwardly at the ground, wondering why I was so flustered. "Uh...I...I mean...I just got here, today...I guess." I stuttered shyly.

"Ya know, you're pretty cute. What's your name?" He stepped closer and I flinched slightly. "Woah, dude, I'm not gonna hurt you, look." I looked up to see him hold out his fist. I reached forward with my own and tapped his fist. "No," he started to laugh, "Hold out your hand." I blushed deeply, "Oh, sorry." I mumbled, and held out my hand, watching as he dropped a Hershey's kiss into the palm.

"This is as close of a kiss your getting from me until we know eachother better." He warned sarcastically and I found myself smiling, nerves slowly melting away. "There's a smile!!" He pointed at my smile, making me smile wider. "I like your smile, kid." He said, ruffling my hair again. "It's Cole." I corrected him. "Cole." He repeated.

"Danny! You're here! We've been waiting for you for, like, ever!!" Another attractive male stood in a doorway, hands on his popped out hip. His foot tapped impatiently and his eyebrow was raised at our little scene.

"Ah...yea...I actually came here for a reason today, I almost forgot." He winked at me, leaning in. "Call me anytime you want," he whispered, breaking away for a second. I felt a paper being pushed into my hand and I glanced down to see a phone number scrawled on it.

"Ahem. Danny, stop flirting with the newbies and get your ass in here to review the tape we shot yesterday." The man turned and walked back into the room. Danny smirked, "well, if you're new here I can help you out if you have questions. I'd love to learn more about a cutie like you." He booped my nose gently and moved around me towards the room. "Text me later, Cole. I'll be eagerly awaiting it."



첫눈에 반하는것... 일분 걸린다. 누군가를 좋아하게 되는것... 한시간. 누군가를 사랑하게 되는 시간... 하루.. 누군가를 잊는것... 평생 걸린다..
It takes one minute to fall in love at first sight... One hour to like someone... One day to love someone... And a lifetime to forget someone...

My step brother is a porn star (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now