Chapter 15

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Cole's POV

I shyly watched Danny as he looked over my packet. I noticed how he read quickly over a page once and then reread the same page again, as if to analyze the information once more. I noticed how he unconsciously jiggled his leg slightly as if he were worried or something. I noticed how carefully he had styled his hair that morning, making sure every strand was held down firmly with hair spray. I couldn't really do much other than stare at him.

Danny finished reading over the packet and looked at me. "Willing to try anything, huh?" He asked, throwing me a wink. I had written something along those lines under the "other comments" section. I shrugged, "If it sounds appealing, why not." Danny pursed his lips and tapped his chin with the pen, "Fair enough. I don't fancy extreme things, but I'm willing to try different stuff if you're up to it...we'll talk to the producers later on and figure out what they're looking for." I nodded, in awe at how much this felt like making a movie.

"It's like making a movie." Danny chuckled, as if reading my thoughts. "That's what I was thinking!" I exclaimed. Danny tapped my nose, "Great minds think alike~ Now, let's read and sign this paper and go have some fun," Danny said in a husky voice, licking his lips.


It wasn't the fun I was thinking of. After both signing the contract, Danny dragged me out of the house and to his car, a humble-looking grey, grandma car. He popped in an opera CD and started to drive. The Magic Flute began to play. Danny knew the song by heart, and he screeched out the high notes that the women sang, not a care in the world.

He ended up in the city park. Though it had been my favorite place to go as a kid, I hadn't been here for years. The only occupants in the park were a couple tired-looking moms and their kids running around, screeching and throwing sticks. Yikes, there's a good reminder to take my birth control...

Danny dragged me over to the swings and pushed me onto one and he jumped on the one next to me, immediately pushing off and pumping his legs to get as high as possible. I quickly followed suit and tried to match his height.

"WE'RE MARRIED!!!" He screamed when our tempos matched and we swung side by side. I felt a rush whenever I hit the peak and my butt lifted off the seat a bit. Scary. I slowed down a bit and Danny laughed when our swings weren't in unison, "WE'RE GETTING A DIVORCE!!!" God, he's like a kid. It was even funnier because in reality he's a head taller, fucking BUILT, dominant man. Well, even adults deserve to have fun!

After the swings we went over to the monkey bars and Danny jumped up, executing a couple pull ups. I stared at his tight muscles visible right below the base of his shirt when he hung there. "Cole, what do you want to do?" He asked, jumping down. I shrugged, "Whatever. Aren't we supposed to be getting to know each other or something? Preparing for making a video?" "Danny rolled his eyes. "We are getting to know each other. I'm totally feeling out your energies right now." I rolled my eyes. "So is it also important for you to know I'm a Virgo, blood type A, ENTP?" Sophia has always been VERY interested in the personality shit. One time I told her I was tired and she said "well, duh, you're a Virgo...and it's April." .........I don't get it.

"Oh, it's Verrryyy important. What's your Ascendant?" "My what?" "Never mind," Danny laughed. We walked side-by-side around the park, talking and laughing about random stuff. I told him about how I had discovered Spencer's secret, the issues with Jack, deciding literally last week to become a pornstar. Danny questioned my sanity, but admitted the money was pretty nice.

Do you have homework?" Danny suddenly asked, standing in front of me and placing his hands on my shoulders. I stared up at him, confused. "Yea, why?" "Because homework is important." He stated, looking me dead in the eye. "You're such an Asian." I laughed. He tutted, pulled me close, whispering in my ear "Now that's just the sort of racist statement I would expect from a white boy like you." His warm breath sent a symphony of shivers through me.

"Let's go to your place." He decided. "I don't think that's a good idea," I said quickly, thinking of my parents. "Why not? Homophobic parents?" He guessed, and I nodded. He sighed, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. "Lame. I hate ignorant people. I mean, shit, it's 2016, not 500 BC or whatever...but even back then I think the Greeks were suuuuuuuper gay...and pedophiles..."
"I parent's homophobia never bothered me before...ah...a couple days ago."

"Let's go anyway." Danny decided, pulling me to his car. "You can introduce me as a friend or something." I had a bad feeling about this but didn't say anything, allowing him to pull me to his car and get in. They usually worked pretty late at night, but Fridays it depended. Sometimes they were home, other times they weren't.

I pointed out instructions and led him to Spencer's and my house. We sat in the idling car on the side of the road, stating up at the relatively big house. "Nice place." He said. "Thanks," I muttered, unbuckling my seat. "Just a friend." I reminded him. He nodded, "yup."

We both got out of the car and made our way to the house. Spencer wasn't home yet, but both my parent's cars and my own car sat in the garage. It wasn't too late, maybe around 6 or 7pm.

I opened the door and peered into the house. "Mom? Dad?" I shouted. "In the kitchen." My dad shouted. I motioned Danny inside and we each took off our shoes. I led him to the kitchen where my dad sat at the counter and my mom was ferociously chopping veggies nearby. My mom glanced up and immediately frowned halting her merciless attack at the broccoli, "Who's this?" She asked darkly. My dad also looked up. "I'm a friend," Danny stated simply.

"You look a little old to be a friend." My dad retorted. "You can never be too old to be a friend, sir," Danny stated, respectfully so. I was impressed, how cool and collected he managed to keep his face and voice. "You look gay." My mom bluntly said, and I gaped at her rudeness. "Mom! What the hell?" "Cole, you know how we feel about....gays..." My dad met my eyes and I looked at the ground, blinking away sudden tears at my parent's embarrassing display.

Danny glanced over at me, and then stared at my parents, looking each on in the eyes. "Maybe I am gay." He said, crossing his arms. "Maybe I'm not. It's no business of yours who I chose to love." My dad slammed his fist on the counter in a shocking display of emotion. "We will not have any gay remain in this house." "Dad! What the fuck?" "Cole, sweetie, come here," my mom said, gesturing me over.


"You fa*got bastard." My dad growled, standing up and moving towards Danny. "You've tainted our son, haven't you? Get out of here and never touch my him again. Cole is not like you. I would never raise a f*g for a son." Danny didn't move. I looked up at my dad, and then my mom, who stared at me. "Cole?" She whispered, clutching at her chest.

"I can't change who I am," I whispered, watching my dad's face out of the corner of my eye. He stood still for a second and then grabbed me painfully, too quick for anybody to react, he threw me onto the ground. "Get out of here," He said. To see my parents, who had once doted on me and gave me so much love look at me with such disgust, hatred, and disappointment...I broke.

"You assholes." Danny growled at them. "You ignorant and hateful pieces of shit don't deserve to be parents." Danny scooped me off the ground and held me close and he turned away and stalked towards the door. I hung limply in Danny's arms, in shock, as he carried me quickly out. My mom's cries and screams filled the air as my dad threw things to the ground in a rage.

"I'm sorry," Danny whispered. "I didn't know...I should have listened to you" "It's okay," I whispered, "I didn't know it was that bad either." Closing my eyes I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder.


No matter how you were born, you are loved here <3

Love is not about possession, it's all about appreciation.

[Pretender by Official HIGE DANdism]

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