Chapter 3

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I'm not going to lie, my parents are dicks. I've always just sort of just taken all their crap on gay marriage and the 'immorality' of it, maybe because it never affected me. But now, with these mixed feelings I have about another boy...let alone my own's kinda been getting on my nerves.

"Oh my God, look!!!" My mother glared at the TV from the kitchen, "They've legalized it in Georgia now!!! Next thing you know those....those products from hell will be in Florida, taking over the government and spreading their evils. Honey!!! Do something about this!!!!!"

My father sat at the kitchen table, as he does every day, reading the paper. "BooBoo, I can't change the world, as much as I hate them...we will just have to deal with them when they do get here."

They support Spencer and me, giving us what we need, coming to all of our events, working hard to provide us with food and clothes and wifi, and we're happy...well, I've been happy. I'm starting to realize why Spencer distanced from us.

I'm obviously closer to my parents than Spencer, so every morning I sit in the living room with them and watch the news before school.

"I'm just so glad our boys are...normal." My mom smiled brightly at me, her smile stabbed me right in the heart. How would they react if they knew their "normal boys" had made out the day before? That statement alone might kill them...incest and gayness all in one.

I plaster that smile on my face, "Mom, I wouldn't exactly call Spencer 'normal'." She giggled her shrill giggle and patted my head. "Well, I suppose you're right, he's an odd one. It will take a while for him to find a girl to match that cold personality."

"Who're you calling cold?"

My eyes met my mom's and we smiled sheepishly as Spencer waltzed into the room. He wore tight jeans, converse, and a plain white shirt. His hair stuck up all over the place and I felt a flush caress my cheeks as I looked him up and down.

Spencer, in turn, dragged his eyes over me until our eyes met. I looked away quickly, spooning cereal into my mouth and saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. "I'm heading out." he droned, slinging his black backpack over his shoulder and exiting the room.

I quickly spooned the last gulp of Lucky Charms into my mouth and pushed off the couch, grabbing my own vibrant yellow backpack. "Bye mum, dad!" I pecked my mom on the cheek and ran quickly after Spencer.

Spencer usually leaves for school 20 minutes early and I'm usually 20 minutes late, but today I wanted to ride with Spencer in his car. He apparently had the same idea, because he sat waiting for me. After cooling off last night and thinking through everything, I wanted to talk to him about where our fucked up relationship would go.

I hopped in his car, smiling sheepishly at him. "You look like a little girl in love." He commented, pulling out from the driveway and starting the short drive to school. I looked out the window at the passing houses. "Glad you decided to stop ignoring me," he added. "I don't see why you care since we've been ignoring each other our whole lives," I replied. "That's true," is all he replied with.

The rest of the ride was silent as we pulled into the almost empty student parking lot of the school. Everyone usually showed up right as the 10-minute warning bell rang. I opened the door to get out, but Spencer grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Look, just because we're on better....terms with each other, treat me just like you always do here. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, etc. I know I said I don't want you to ignore me, but at school, it's a different situation, okay? Don't even...I don't know, text me." I stared at him, his cold green eyes looking back into my own.

"I don't even have your number..." I mumbled, pulling my arm out of his grasp and turning away, "I promise I won't have any contact with you." I finished coldly and left him behind as I walked inside. Why did I feel like shit? I wanted to figure things out, but it doesn't feel like anything I was feeling was solved.


Spencer and I are complete opposites. I said it before and I'll say it again. I'm relatively popular, friends with everybody, and known by the teachers as the outgoing class clown of the senior class. Spencer is an 11th grader. He's is quiet, reserved, always on time and has the best grades in the school. He only hangs out with one person, Jack. Jack is just like Spencer: smart, cold, and sexy, but I've never talked to him.

My main group of homies usually get to school as late as I do, so I sat by my locker, doing math until the first bell rang and I made it to class on time for the first time this year. "Well, this is a rare sight." Ms. Harms commented as I sat in my desk. I shrugged and pulled out my English.

The day always goes slowly until lunch, then after that, it flies by. But not today. Today seemed to take forever. I'm 1 year ahead of Spencer, so I don't have any classes with him, that made avoiding him's lunch that's a problem. The whole High School eats together in the small, crammed cafeteria located in the basement.

Derek, Jamey, and Sophia plopped down beside me at our usual table. Derek is the Basketball star of the school at 6'3. Literally, he only does basketball, training all year for it. He even refuses to wear clothes other than basketball shorts and a T-shirt. "If my clothes are in the game then my mind is in the game too. You never know when someone will want to have a sudden match," he said when I asked him about it.

Jamey doesn't do Basketball, he does Hockey and is damn good at it too. He's been playing for varsity since the 7th grade and recently carried them to State for the first time in our school history.

Sophia is really into music. She's always been in love with learning all sorts of instruments. Her primary, however, is the violin.

And I, I do baseball. I'm not gonna brag, but I'm good, which is why we are all friends, we're good at what we do. It sets us apart from the other students and brought us together. I love my friends.

"Cole, do me a favor and slap me," Jamey said with a look of shock plastered across his face. I reached over and backhanded him. Sophia rolled her eyes, "you guys are so weird." Jamey touched his stinging cheek and looked at me, smiling his bright smile, "Thanks!! So this is totally real life!"

Derek leaned forward, concern lacing his eyes, "What happened?" "Kaitlyn McKay just asked me out!!!!!" Our jaws dropped, Derek grabbed Jamey's arm, "When? How?......Why?!?"

Jamey smiled and gazed into the distance, "She asked me out this morning....and then we...kissed!"

Kaitlyn McKay is in Spencer's grade, a junior. She is athletic, beautiful, smart, musical, and she has turned down every single guy who has ever asked her out.

I looked at Derek and was surprised to see them a bit wet.

"Are you happy?" He asked, touching Jamey's arm lightly. "Yea," he said dreamily, staring off into space. Derek nodded slowly, staring at Jamey. Jamey in his Jamey-way, didn't notice. Derek got up, "I'll see you guys later." His long legs carried him quickly across the cafeteria.

Sophia and I looked at each other, eyebrows raised, then she gave me a look as if to say, "I'll tell you later."


I'm drunk. On alcohol. Never on love.

당신은 나에게 무척 소중해요.
You mean so much to me.

[Song I was listening to as I wrote this: Dragon Night by Sekai no Owari]

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