Chapter 5

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"Cole!! Oh my god!! Seriously!?!?" It was after school and I didn't have my car (because Spencer drove me to school), so I stubbornly was walking home. Spencer sat in his car, Jack in the passenger seat and they slowly drove right next to me. I was giving them the silent treatment, and I am damn good at the silent treatment.

"Get in the car." I kept walking, keeping my head straight. "Cole, do NOT make me count to ten." I crossed my arms. "So help me, Cole, I WILL stop this car and chase you down and ravage you right in the street if you don't get in right now."

Jack just watched us the whole time, saying nothing.

"You can't ravage me if I'm consenting to it." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them and I halted, my face slowly heating up in realization to what I had just said. Spencer smirked, "What was that Coley-poo?" I stood frozen for a beat, then made a break for it, sprinting as hard and as fast as I could home, cutting through lawns and taking shortcuts. I heard Spencer zoom on ahead, but I knew I would make it there and to my room before him, and I was right. Thanks baseball training! I may not be very muscular like my other teammates, but my speed definitely made up for it.

I managed to make it home seconds before Spencer pulled into the driveway. I ran inside, sprinting upstairs, locking my door, and collapsing on my bed, my breath coming hard, sweat trickling down my forehead, and for what? Avoiding my brother? Well, he did piss me off, to be fair, and I am on my man-period. Girls just don't understand that once a month, us boys have a week of sensitiveness and crabbiness as well, minus the blood, and this is my week. I'm sure of it and definitely not just being a drama-queen.

I heard car doors slam and soon after, Spencer stomping up the stairs. "Cole! Stop being such a puss and open your door right now and talk to us!" Spencer yelled. I ignored him, a slight feeling of guilt rising in my gut. Thank god our parents always work super late nights.

"No, Cole, stay strong!! You are a strong, independent white man who don't need no man!!" My internal angel screamed at me.

Hushed voices ensued and I crept closer, I still haven't heard Jack speak yet. A slight sound of metal sliding against metal, a click, and my door slammed open, right onto my face. I fell back, clutching at my head, moaning profanity. "Cole!!!" Spencer kneeled next to me and grabbed my wrists, pulling them away from my face and looking into my eyes, "Are you ok? What happened!?"

"The fucking door!!! You slammed it on my fucking head!! Fucking Fuck!" I felt some reflex tears pool and roll down my cheeks." Gently, Spencer brushed them away with his thumb and slowly ran his hands through my hair till he hit the slowly growing bump at the base of my hairline on my forehead. "Ow!" I squeaked as he rubbed it. "So your not lying," he muttered, his inspection of my forehead bringing his lips dangerously close to my own. I felt his breath touch mine.


My eyes widened and I forcefully pushed Spencer away, guiltily looking up at Jack, who stood in the doorway eyeing the scene. He twirled a bent bobby pin in his fingers, that bastard had picked my lock!!

"Sorry to interrupt, but we have business to discuss." Jack's voice was smooth and deep, I almost had an eargasm just hearing it. Flushing slightly, I stood and sat on the edge of my bed. Spencer looked up at me from the floor, smiling sheepishly, acting no longer like the cold sadistic brother I know, but more like an easy-going best bro. 'It's Jack...he feels at ease around Jack.' The thought that he felt more at ease around Jack than his own brother hurt me a little bit.

The thought passed as Jack pulled my desk chair right in front of me and folded his hands in his lap, leaning forward. "Cole...would you like to work for my family's company and be a porn star?"

☆〜(ゝ。)(^_^)☆( T_T)(^-^ )

What an unrealistic turn of events 😱 thank goodness it's all ✨fiction✨

사랑은 그저 사랑이다. 절대 설명 될 수 없다
Love is just love. It can never be explained.

[Song I was listening to as I wrote this: Senbonzakura, Vocaloid]

My step brother is a porn star (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now