"Crap," he whisper-shouted.

"You idiot," Rose whispered back. "Follow me."

Leaving May behind, Rose and Nick ran over to the door she came out of and approached the emergency exit on the roof of the building. While Nick moved the fog further away from his face and placed the rest in his pocket, Rose climbed the metal steps and struggled to open the door.

"It's too heavy," Rose pushed.

"I got it," Nick put her back down. "Hold your breath."

"Can I have the ones that aren't busted? I could use those."

"I think I'll hold on to them for a while."

He forced the door open with his back and threw it out, exploding on the ground. After fanning out what was in their way, he shut the door and plopped down after dangling on the handle.

"How's May doing over there?" Nick wondered.

Rose turned and saw that the catwalk was empty.

"I'd hate to assume that she won't be our problem anymore," she replied. "She probably just escaped back to Hell."

"She won't be back for a while. Good job getting rid of her."

"Good job switching the gas bombs. I knew she was a numbskull, but I didn't know she couldn't feel hands going through her pocket."

"It's actually pretty easy— Er, let's head back before the band starts."

"How am I gonna make an entrance, though?"

Amy, Sam, and I were almost done setting up after the director introduced us and called us the Tambourines. Of course, he was joking and actually called us the Tamarinz. What a guy! Most everyone applauded and we did whatever we would do to get rid of nervousness. With May's hologram already set up and showing a frozen, somewhat distorted guitarist, I wonder if anyone would notice and be concerned. I was relieved to see Rose and Nick about to walk on stage, but she hesitated.

"This is actually happening," she murmured.

"You're gonna do great," Nick guaranteed.

"Huh?" she snapped out of it. "You said that as if I was nervous or something."

With a wheelchair she borrowed from the large storage room, Rose slid across the stage standing on top of it while holding on to the back. She won the crowd's attention and made them go crazy for her. After landing by her bass stand, she put it on, pushed the chair back to Nick who ran to the other end, and walked up to the main microphone. Our self-introductions were almost exactly like how we practised, but my nervousness became glee. Right after I introduced myself, I might have looked a little silly but I saw the Gorillaz among the audience. My father and Russel waved at me as the rest gave looks of encouragement.

"Dad," I smiled, inaudible from the mic. If he and the band were to give a surprise visit, I would have cried with joy in front of everyone. That is specifically why I reminded him to come.

Exactly like how we rehearsed, we commenced with the first song, but my heart felt so light. I sang with more passion than ever before and it showed. The crowd was more engaged than we expected, but I was even more glad to know that my loved ones were supporting me through and through. The audience immediately applauded when we ended that tune. The great feedback made us just as thrilled to play the next song as we were for the first. Phones were out, but they were on us! Supporting a local band. How sweet! We finished the show with an otherworldly response. I was a bit carried away with what seemed to be a slow-motion capture of victory and I bet the others were, too. We bowed and grabbed our instruments on our way to backstage, but Rose had a small reminder for the audience.

Tamarinz: Phase 1 (Gorillaz FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now