Part 8

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Our first performance is exactly one week away now and once all of us had the chance to discuss in the practice room without Rose and May, we took it. As much as I generally dislike excluding people from conversations as if we were gossiping about them, we needed to talk. Sam really does not want to be in the band if Rose continues to be her shady self, but who was I to assume that Nick wanted to leave only because Sam and I wanted to? He never actually had a complaint about Rose or May. That whole episode started with him forgetting May's name and he was a bit confused about her status at the school, but no red flags seemed to be raised for him. I think it's because he doesn't want to give up on the band he was recently recruited in and he still sees potential in us. As for Amy, I'm surprised that she managed to hold her tongue and didn't emerge to give her opinion on the whole situation until now.

"I heard the whole thing," Amy commented. "I would have cut in on that huge explosion that was going on, but I also wanted to listen to how things unfolded without me being involved. It sounds like you guys are being held against your will and need to get out of the band ASAP. No-Eyes, have you considered working with Sammy here?"

"I actually haven't," I replied, feeling silly that I haven't thought of that sooner. "That's a great idea! I just hope I get accepted."

"They're not hiring right now," Sam reminded. "But maybe your resume will change their minds!"

Sam saying 'resume' made me even less confident. I've been fired quite a few times in my life for being such a burden as an employee with poor eyesight. I wish I could be rehired at the music shop my father worked in once. However, I can always redeem myself. Somehow. To change the topic, I told them that I knew where the recording of us was located and offered them a look, to which they accepted. I pulled out the flash drive and repeated the process of playing the recording for them. Amy would typically run through the songs with us, but this film was one of the few instances where she was absent. We all had more fun watching the recording together than when we were being filmed. Amy rapping to where she was supposed to, Nick humming along to my parts, and me and Sam being nitpicky reminded me of more light-hearted moments. I'm still set on leaving, but I don't want to look back and be bitter. When the recording ended, Nick applauded and Amy tagged along. Sam blushed and I was flattered as well. Then Amy made a random remark as if an epiphany occurred. She took the words out of my mouth.

"You know what I just noticed?" she began. "Rose and May together kinda sound like Rosemary! Rose May-ry! And you can arrange my name to May's name! What?!"

"This means that this band was meant to be!" Nick jokingly added.

"I guess I'm not the only one that makes silly observations here," I laughed.

"Maybe we were," Sam smiled. "It was worth it. I was recruited with only some knowledge of rhythm and never touched a drum set before. I was surprised that Rose was alright with that. With some help, I was able to contribute to making some decent songs. Whether they're actually good or bad songs, you guys stuck with me and motivated me to keep going. Especially you, No-Eyes."

I didn't expect such a wholesome little speech from my bestie, but I'm so glad she opened up and expressed that to us. She's too kind! I'm not in such a rush to leave the band remembering that Sam, Amy, Nick and I are capable of doing great things together. Although we don't need to be in a band to hang out, I'm still a musician at heart and want to take advantage of the opportunity. I also realised that quitting the band might also mean that I should move back to my father's mansion. The band was the only reason why I even bothered living with Rose, who had just startled us after Sam finished.

"That's so sweet," she commented from behind us. "Sorry to cut in on you all having fun right now and for my bad impression I left, but I have a favour to ask of you."

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