Part 11

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After finding the right door, we were led to the backstage hallway by Amy's detached hand holding on to one of her eyeballs. We were startled at first sight as it flashed right through the door, and being paranoid about May did not help, but we snuck inside and found ourselves in the grey hallway. The left side was the bathrooms and water fountains. Straight ahead was the room of props and background art, which was wide open with the light on and revealed everything that was not going to be used, some furniture that looked like it came from woodshop class, and a floor with neon paint splattered all over. All of the actors were inside that room rehearsing and changing. That would be an amazing place to hang out before performing or even in general. But if you walk in and turn to your right, there is a large garage-like door that leads to the actual waiting area right behind the curtains that is dark, narrow, and has a single sofa for lounging and the props about to be used. That garage-like door was closed so we entered the waiting area through the right-side door of the hallway.

Amy's hand and eyeball returned to her as she was lounging on that couch near the drum kit which was waiting to be played. We dropped the rest of the instruments off by it and joined Amy on the sofa, which faced the curtains where the play was about to be in session. With the drama teacher or director doing an intro and the lights slightly dimming, we would softly chat until we join the audience.

"Any signs of May?" Amy asked as we approached.

"Yes," I worried. "She possessed someone and one of us might be next."

"She can take me," Nick boldly stated.

"She's probably not gonna take you just 'cause you said that out loud," Rose told him.

"You would make a good Beatrice," I remarked. "Just a random thought. You have that sass."

"You think I'm some sort of stuck-up feminist or something?" Rose shot back.

"You did only recruit ladies," Amy noted.

"And here we have Hero," Rose hand pointed to Sam's direction. "The naive romantic who can't handle public humiliation."

"I'll give you that," Sam admitted.

"All this talk about the play," Nick suggested. "You all ready to go down and watch the first half? Keep an eye out for May. And if you have to in the literal sense, Amy, go ahead."

"Okay," Amy laughed.

The auditorium lights were turning off so we all got up and walked through the door that led to the part of the stage out of the audience's view. There was a ramp along the same side of the auditorium entrance that led to the two-by-three rows of seats. While we were walking to the back middle row, I was looking for the Gorillaz, but I could not tell they were there because it was already dark and there was a surprisingly large amount of people in the crowd. Right before she could walk up the steps to the back row, Rose paused and hid her face behind her hand as if she was suffering from a migraine.

"Please excuse me," she muttered. "I'll be right back."

She went through the side entrance squeezing through others walking in. We continued to find the best seats, but I was a bit concerned for her.

"That sounded out-of-character," I thought aloud. We then stopped and looked at each other with a horrible realization.

"May!" we whisper-shouted.

Amy held her nose, shut one eye, and blew as the same eyeball shot right out like a bullet. It ricocheted to the wall and out the open doors that Rose left.

Tamarinz: Phase 1 (Gorillaz FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now