The vocals of Jin, drum beat of Jimin, the bass of Jungkook, the rock of RM, the notes of V and the melody of Suga was the perfect gamut that took them to ecstasy. The sun was blazing as if flashing them a smile.

Suga looked at the Sun and bid goodbye.

. . .

Jin was dragged out by RM and now he had to help him with the committee work with him. Jimin and Jungkook decided to walk around the festival and have their official date. There was a strange sensation they felt when they were on the stage and they were sure, that they all shared it the same way. It wasn't just a performance but a battle of emotions. Each carrying its own bottle to unravel ready to soar high because they were never going down deep.

"Do you need my help?" Suga asked. V's only concern was getting the performance done and now that he had done that, he crashed hard. He was packing his things in the Music Club so he could go back home and rest.

"I'm okay. What about you? Will you stay or will you go back home?" V asked bit hesitantly, he knew the Pianist only had Jin as friend and the said guy was being punished.

"I'll stay."

"Oh." V could manage to say that, he was a little hurt. He wanted to stay and spend time with Suga but he had been working way extra hard, It was logical that he got burned out. He was deep in his agony when a warm hand reached his forehead. V almost jumped in surprise.

"You have a high fever." Suga sat down next to him and placed his hand on his forehead. Having him this close added more Fahrenheit to his temperature.

"Ah..haha...I'll just go home and rest." The moment Suga took off his hand, V got up from his seat and begun to rummage through his already packed bag.

"I'll drop you back home." Suga offered and V knew his heart would shoot out of his rib cage.

"It's alright, I don't live that far."

"I let you take care of me in my apartment, will you not let me take care of you?"

V almost had a heart attack. Why was pianist playing with his poor weak heart? Didn't he know how fatal it was for him?

"It's alright, you must be tired too." V said and he swore that he saw a glimpse of sadness in the pianist eyes. Oh Angels, give me strength.

"Maybe you should take me home, I'm feeling very tired." V swallowed out but pianist beamed up and V wanted to dive off of a roof.

The two left the rowdy festival and moved to the silent path. Except V was so nervous that he was sure Suga could hear his heart beating drum inside. They walked side by side and from time to time, V would steal glances at him. That man was dangerous for sure.

They walked mostly in silence when Suga called.

"Thank you!"


"Thank you for not giving up on me." Suga said and made V halt in his steps. Suga stopped as well facing the younger. The time when Suga didn't show up, he spent it bracing himself and his emotions. The love he felt for J-Hope would always remain there but he decided that he had to take a step now and appreciate the people present in his life rather than making the souls of his loved one sad by crying over him. In that song, he poured all of his broken heart and said goodbye, aiming for a new start.

V officially declared that day to be his best day of life, because he gained a lot of memories.

"Thank you for letting me hear your melody." He hugged the pianist because he himself received something precious. He quickly broke the hug much to older's surprise. They resumed their journey to his home and only stopped when they reached there.

"Why don't you come inside?" V offered, standing at the porch. Suga shook his head in negation, he knew V had to rest.

"Alright, then see you soon." V said and struggled with the door. He was such a nervous mess around him.


Suga called and V turned his head only to be surprised. The rosy red lips that he had dreamt of were now smashed against his own. Like the piece of puzzle that had no other counterparts, it felt like their souls were finally found their place. 

 And he thought the day couldn't get any better. Just before V could comprehend the situation, Suga broke the kiss and waved goodbye.

"See you soon."

V was not going recover from his fever.

---------------------- THE END---------------------

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