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The scribbles of the pen could be heard among the whispers. The noise of the turning pages were like loud rings in the ears. Everyone looked tense, especially the guy seated at the front. He was rubbing his temples with one hand while signing paper with the other. With one final sigh he announced, 

"The negotiation with the chairman didn't work, we will have few clubs disbanded." 

The room filled with pin drop silence. It was a low blow for everyone but the most frustrated one was the President himself. It wasn't just about clubs, many students link too much with their groups and disbanding it was somewhat parallel to breaking a bond and it felt terrible. 

"President, I will take the disband forms and visit all the Clubs. So you can carry out other tasks." Jungkook said taking away the forms from President RM. If anyone who knew the weight of hard work, it was their president. 

"That's big help, thank you!" President said and continued on with his duty. Jungkook left immediately to full fill his task, he was in the corridor  when a young boy or rather his fellow committee member stopped him. 

"Ah! Hi! again." The boy said with his heart smile.

"Hello." Jungkook replied standing in front of the staircase leading to the 7th floor. 

"If you don't mind, can you please let me go to the Music Club?" The said boy clasped his hands and pleaded. 

It was the only club left to inform, Jungkook was a diligent boy, he would see his duties till the end. But he gave the other boy the last form and received another one of those heart smiles. 

"Ah! Thank you so much bunny boy!!" The boy dashed through the stairs to the 7th floor. 

"Bunny boy?" Jungkook muttered under his breath. 

                                         . . .

He clenched the paper tight in his hand, and gulped down the lump that kept forming in his throat. His heart was banging loud in the ears when he reached for the door. 

You can do this!

His brain supplied, but  his heart would always betray him last second. V didn't know why but every time he saw the boy in front of the piano, his heart would feel  full. He didn't know how to describe it but it would hit him like a strong wave on the shore. 

It took everything in him to push open the door but it was just an empty room. 

For a moment V was confused, he stepped inside and searched for him but there was no one --just the lonely piano. He stared at the keys for long that he almost forgot his reason to visit the club. 

Did he already go back?

with defeated heart, V returned. He thought of just placing the paper on the piano but that would take his reason to visit the club. It was an opportunity he had been waiting for a year.

                      .  .  .

There were barely any students left on the school ground. V got his bag and stepped outside the school. He was still thinking of the Pianist when a voice broke his thoughts.

"V!! Finally! I started doubting that you already left." 

"Jimin? Why are you still here?" 

"What do you mean why? Didn't  I tell you that I would wait for your club to end." 

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