12 Last Chapter

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The beam of light hit his face beckoning for his attention. He fluttered his eyes to adjust them with the light and then he realized that it was the reflection of water that hit him.

That's it!

V immediately dashed back inside almost bumping into Jungkook who was looking for him.

"Bunny boy!" V called happily almost squishing the boy child.

"V! Calm down. Did you find a place?" Jungkook broke the deathly embrace and inquired for his mood. V nodded aggressively making Jungkook bulged his eyes.

"Where?" Jungkook couldn't help but ask, after all he also tried his hardest in the preparation. V pointed his finger to a very certain place and gave Jungkook a warm smile. It was indeed a good place to perform.

"I'll get President." Jungkook said.

"I'll get everyone else." V said and both separated.

V came running to the back stage where Jin was trying his best to keep the mood light with his terrible jokes.

"I found a place." V said catching his breath. They couldn't believe him at first but he dragged Suga's wrist and pulled him away. Jimin and Jin followed them.

"Fountain?" Suga asked. It was the fountain set by the Art club. Water out of it, had the 7 colors of the rainbow and lights were fixed around, shining like the little stars. But the most beautiful view was when the sun mirrored into it.

RM and Jungkook were already present there, talking to the Art club members maybe? The boys reached there and President RM addressed them,

"I'm sorry."


Did they not accept our request? Did they refuse to help us? There isn't much time left? I already gave everyone false hope!

These were the malice thoughts that swirled V's mind. If they didn't get to perform today, it would not only break Suga but V himself. He was on the verge of collapsing.

"I'm sorry, I made you guys lose hope. But thanks to The Art Club, you guys can perform here."

They all gasped. They could finally perform. V was so shocked and relieved that he forgot how to breathe. Suga ushered him to take a breath which he didn't know he was holding. They quickly spread around to get ready for their performance which was going to start in a short time.

Jin made his way to RM and handed him a piece of paper.

"What is this?" RM asked.

"The music Suga created." Jin said, and RM's eyes bulged out in surprise. He was really happy that Suga was able to finally pick the world of melodies again.

"It's beautiful!"

"I know, memorize it." Jin said, handing him his old guitar. Stunned was an underrated word.

"How can I practice in 10 minutes?" RM brawled.

"I'm not the one with IQ of 148." Jin smirked and went away, leaving a dumbfounded RM.

. . .

V could hear the sound of his heart beat as if it was ringing in his ears. The looks of anticipation and prospect made the desires in him to burn high. He was standing amidst the crowd yet felt so high and thus the music began.

Their stage was the simple fountain, emulating the colors of their eyes. The hue of the drops blended perfectly with the gold of the sun inflating the festivity. V waited for a whole year just to hear his sound, a perfect melody that had no bound. The moment it reached his ears, the tears of unspoken conundrum found an escape. He was yet again in that sea while riled up his very being but this time, he wasn't alone, nor did his ears go deaf like before. He was in the center of the sea but he could breathe, he could feel and he could reach. One look at pianist and he knew he had found the perfectly melody, euphony for his heart.

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