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He rose up with the sun and ran with the wind. Standing at the fringed of the beach, he let the damp breeze tickle his skin. He fueled his lungs with the fresh air and begun to play his saxophone. The music produced out of the bell when his fingers danced on the keys. His swift motion made the waves hide in bashfulness. And the fresh rays of light trickled through his crust. He was deep in his music when a familiar voice fell on his ears.


He turned around to make sure, that the voice really did belong to the owner he imagined and there he was standing ashore when the waves brushed through his feet.


He let his saxophone embrace the sand and jumped straight at the older, holding him tight.

"Where were you Hyung?! I was so worried about you?!" There were in fact many thoughts that ran through his mind when he didn't see the pianist for weeks. His cursed mind even thought of the extreme and the fear of losing him plagued his heart. Pianist was like his drug, he needed to see at least once a day. The time in his absence was like living a bad dream. He didn't care if he got pushed away or if he was making the pianist uncomfortable. V wanted to see him safe and sound in front of his eyes. He no longer cared if he agreed to play the piano or not, or rejected him cold heartedly, that's how deep he had fallen for him.


"Mn?" V didn't let go of the embrace and the older didn't seem to push him away.

"The music you played.."

"Ah! It was first piece you had written and It was also the one that made me fall in love with you." V let go of him to wipe the tears that rested in his eyes.

Suga looked in his eyes and all he found was the love and longing. The morning light basked him in its warmth when V showered his genuine smile. There was something strange taking its seeds inside of him. The familiar zeal, which he thought he couldn't see let alone feel. He was overwhelmed but not out of anguish. He liked the way his smile let him feel elation.

"Which music will you play at the cultural festival?"

V was happy just to hear his voice and feel his presence, he slid his hand in his and the older didn't seem to push him away so he made sure to hold it tight.

"Actually, we haven't decided yet. We can play the music now but we aren't talented enough to write one." V scratched his cheek with the tip of his finger. He was embarrassed that the festival was just up ahead and they haven't even produced a music. He definitely didn't want to show his uncool side to Suga.

"I have..."


"I have composed a new-"

Before pianist could finish his sentence, he found himself being hugged and swirled around in the air. He was light, like the feathers of angel up in the heaven.

"You made a new song!!" V was so happy that he was twirling with the pianists, not minding that the older might get sick from too much spinning around. When V was satisfied, he finally let go and let the poor boy regain his balance.

"I will tell everyone! And we can practice it together." V jumped in excitement. Suga was hesitant but looking at how happy the younger was, he gave in and nodded.

"I will be waiting for you, Hyung!"

V grabbed his saxophone and disappeared, bouncing in happiness. Suga chuckled at seeing his child like behavior, it was cute.

. . .

V had never been this anxious before, he was practically biting his own nails to calm his heart. They were all in the music room practicing their instruments and V was waiting for Suga to come. When V told Jin about his encounter with Suga this morning. Jin smiled and patted his head saying

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