You did good, Thank you!

V wanted to thank him for telling the address of such a beautiful beach. He told him that Suga always went to that beach to watch the Sun Rise. But he didn't know that V would be playing music there on the beat of the sun.

Just then the door slid open and their eyes met. It had always been V standing at the door while looking at the pianist inside. This time, it was Suga who had been looking at V. The moment he stepped inside the atmosphere shifted like the sudden moment of the hour glass. But V was ready to embrace every grain of sand even if it drowned him.

"Welcome back Hyung!"

The music room had never been this busy. The clatter of their instruments, the ringing of their laughter and the bad jokes of their senior was enough to keep everyone on their toes. It had never been livelier than this. The room engulfed in blue was now brimming with colors. It was beautiful.

. . .



"..Hello...ahhhww...." V picked up the phone, yawning.

"I knew you were sleeping! Hurry up and get ready I'm standing outside your house." Jimin spoke on the other side.

"Why are you so early?" V got up from bed, rubbing his half-closed eyes.

"Early? It's already 8! The festival has started and our performance is at 10!"

Hearing that V immediately got up and ran to the bathroom to get ready. He couldn't believe he kept sleeping. Actually, he was really nervous and excited that he couldn't sleep properly the night before and ended up staying up for the most part unwillingly. After grinding hard work of days, the fateful festival finally was there. V would get to not only listen Suga play but also, he would be by his side.

V and Jimin reached there at 8:45. Everyone was already there, even the pianist. V immediately went to him and smiled.

"Good Morning."


"Did you sleep well?" Even though V was the one who didn't sleep well.


"Are you nervous?" Even though V was the one who was nervous.

"A little."


"What's there to 'wow' about?"

"Oh! I mean, I like it when you express more." V giggled innocently. Suga didn't say anything just kept looking at the cute expression V was making.

"Look what I got here!" The voice of Jin caught everyone's attention. He was carrying a box and placed it on one of the desks. Everyone gathered around to see what it was.

"How does this look?" Jin pulled a Shirt from the box. It was their Band shirt. Everyone picked up their shirts and changed into them.

"I really wish It was less flashy color." Jungkook sighed. Despite being a cute bunny, he preferred to have dark colors. Jimin laughed at his cute behavior while Jin ruffled his hair.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

They all triumphantly reached towards the back stage. It was 9:20. They had enough time to go over one around of practice. They were all very nervous, after all it was going to be their very first performance.

"Stop being nervous, it is making me nervous." Jimin elbowed V. He was nervous for so many reasons.

"Why don't you hug your boyfriend for relief?" V teased and the both Jimin and Jungkook become beet red. They all laughed at their reaction and soon nervous air was lifted around them. Suddenly their happy mood was turned into shock when they heard the crowds screaming. They were at the back stage so they didn't know what happened. Only after few minutes did few people came carrying a girl who had injured herself. Jungkook being the committee member as well, went out to see what happened and he found out that the stage was broken. One of the prompts broke and almost killed the girl. It was not a laughing matter.

There were panic and screams and President RM immediately arrived at the scene to take control. Jungkook returned to his bandmates and told them the grim news. Their faces turned pale. They had worked so hard to get the stage now the stage itself was broken.

"Maybe it's a sign, that I shouldn't have picked music again." Suga laughed without humor. They felt the air around them condense too much that it became hard to breath.

V got up, startling every one. He cupped Suga's cheeks to grab his attention and looked straight into his eyes.

"We will perform with the melody you produced!!"

V said and dashed towards the stage.

"You guys stay here and stay put" Jungkook said and soon followed V.

They duo went to President RM who was busy with dealing with students.

"President!" V almost yelled.

"Are you guys okay? Did you get hurt?" President RM asked.

"No, we're fine but the stage..."

"I know, I'm sorry, after everything you guys done. You couldn't perform." President RM really felt bad for them, he saw how many emotional and physical baggage they carried.

"President RM! There's still time we can fix the stage." V almost shouted, trying his best to calm down.

"V! I would love to help, but look all these students, they too have practiced hard to perform." President RM pointed at the groups of students who were supposed to perform before and after them. They all had that melancholic look on their faces which V was more than aware of.

"There has to be a way!" There was no way V would accept that. There must be something, anything at all!

"If there is, I would gladly let you have your show." President RM said while moving out with the group of students to solve their issues.

It was frustrating! V wanted to shout and cry. He found himself in the sea of misery yet again but suddenly Suga's face flashed before his eyes. He had always been able to lighten up his heart. All this time, he kept pushing himself because he wanted to listen him play and now, he was this close. V clenched his fist and ran outside of the building.

"V!" Jungkook shouted when V didn't hear him, he followed after him.

V was running hysterically looking for a solution. He wasn't going to give up not when he's literally at the edge. He would rather jump than fall back down. If he stepped down now, he would regret for the rest of his life.

He was like a small ant in the hustle and bustle of tall grass. The students were enjoying and the mood around him was anything but marry.

Even the sun was shining too bright, blinding him too much as if teasing him purposely and then his eyes fell on something.


Sorry for Errors and thank you for reading.

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