Percy clasps his hands over his mouth to suppress a scream. Kronos. His tormentor, abuser, torturer. Kronos killed the home he never got to experience. He most likely killed the rest of his family too if he had any. Tears start to sprout from his green eyes. He never had a real family and now they are probably dead. He looks at the skeleton before him again.

A king, no leader. For he wore no crown and no robes in his final moments. He wore armour and wielded a mighty trident, leading his warriors into a doomed war. Percy knew many royals from other lands who would cower in the face of a rat but not this Alpha. Oh, how Percy wished it wasn't his fault. How it wasn't his fault that he got millions killed. A nobody that the people of Anura were willing to protect knowing it was useless. Oh, how he wished they gave him up to save themselves. They could have been alive if it wasn't for him.

For an Omega.

A slight racket knocks him out of his thoughts, causing him to go rigid. He turns sharply when another noise is made from the entrance. His breathing goes ragged as he sees a cloaked figure standing at the doors. The cloak is pulled over their face making sure only their mouth and chin is seen underneath, armour covered in dirt and scratches signalling that is has been through many battles and challenges. Sword in hand and knives on belt making the slave feel very defenceless without a weapon, shirt, cloak and sustaining injuries. A couple of people appear behind the first, also decked with weapons and hoods which conceals their identities.

 A couple of people appear behind the first, also decked with weapons and hoods which conceals their identities

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Percy doesn't risk it and bolts down a random hallway, the chaser and the others following. He turns into hallway after hallway hoping to shake off the hooded people, but to no luck. The chasers were catching up whilst his ankle is throbbing and slowing him down. He breaths heavily as he frantically searches for a place to hide or at least barricade himself in. He glances behind him and spots the first one slowing down slightly, realising they have cornered the intruder. Percy glances to the right and immediately sprints towards random door desperately closing it on the taller person but to no success. The person had stuck their shoe in the door, successfully keeping it from locking it.

The cloaked one barges their way in, causing Percy to stumble to the floor. The person using this as their advantage and lunges, collapsing onto the runaway slave. The raven instantly goes into a higher setting of panic and thrashes around wildly, desperate to get away. The the person straddles him, pinning his hands above his head in one hand and brandishing  a knife at the omega's throat.

"Who are you?! How did you get here?!"

The cloaked one shouts questionably, tilting the weapon so the head would move to avoid being cut. The voice is deep and parched from all the running he had to do. Despite how threatening he may seem, the boy underneath is not the least bit fazed. That's a lie. He is more distracted about how to escape his current situation rather than on the attacker.

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