-20- (last chapter) My husband

Start from the beginning

"Then what?"

"Then we met a few weeks later and finally became a couple. And we've spent every day together since then."

"Wow, so you haven't been apart for a day since then?"

"No way! I'm certainly not letting him out of my sight again. You know, four years without him was enough. And besides, this way I can make sure no one tries to steal him away from me."

"Is he so handsome that you are afraid of that?"

"He's handsome and beautiful, cute and sweet at the same time. And when he smiles, you automatically have to smile with him."

"You sound like you're newly in love with him."

"I never stopped being in love with him. For me, my husband, my Wang Xiao Zhan, is my one and only and a life without him, I can' t imagine anymore. You know, he's someone I saw and knew right away I wanted to share the rest of my life with him."

"If you could say anything to him now, what would it be?"

"Same as every day. I love you ZhanZhan."

"Were you ever afraid of losing him?"

"No. Of course there' s always the fear that someone will come and try to take him away from me. But I trust my husband. And I know that he loves me as much as I love him."

"My cameraman just told me that your husband is six years older than you. Was that age ever a problem?"

"Ha-ha-ha. No never. Even though I'm six years younger than my ZhanZhan, he never treated me like this. The age difference has never mattered to us. The only thing that matters is the love we have for each other."

"Are you planning to start a family, too?"

"We talked once about the subject of children. But honestly, I am still young and our work doesn't leave us much time. And the time we have, I don't really want to share. I like to have my husband all to myself. Maybe in a few years it will look different and I can imagine to adopt a child. But right now I don't see that happening. I'm very selfish with my husband."


"Yes. I only want my husband to have eyes for me. Ha-ha-ha. But seriously now. I love Zhan and I want to spend as much time as possible alone with him. And if you knew him, you'd understand me too."

At that moment Zhan entered the office and the reporter stared at him with eyes wide open. Yibo jumped up from his chair and ran to Zhan. He took his husband in his arms, gave him a kiss and smiled, "I love you ZhanZhan." He said and completely forgot that the reporter was sitting in his office with a cameraman.

For Yibo, his feelings have not changed. He loved Zhan then and he loves him now.

After graduating from the university, Yibo started working as a CEO alongside with Zhan. Zhan taught him everything he needed to know. Half a year later, Yibo was officially appointed as CEO and Zhan devoted himself to his art.

When the two of them were together for two years and all demands of Yibo's father were fulfilled, he paid for their wedding.

The originally planned small wedding quickly turned into a big event that even Zhan's sister attended. She apologized to Zhan for leaving him behind at the time and for throwing such mean things at him when she left.

Since then, the two have been working on getting a good relationship back together. Meanwhile they get along very well again.

Wooseok and Seungyoun also got married and now live with Seungyoun's parents in Shanghai. They bought themselves a small house, after Seungyoun got a well paid job.

Seo Joon also finally found happiness in love. He met a new resident at a neighborhood watch. The two soon got into conversation and got along very well from the very beginning.

And it had been her who asked him for a date. Shortly afterwards, the two announced that they were a couple. They got married six months ago and are now expecting their first child together.

They are all happy. But Yibo thinks he is the happiest of friends and family. And when you ask him why he thinks that, he always says two words: "My husband."

Yibo fell in love with his husband nine years ago. It was less than a day before he fell madly in love with Zhan Because of him, he was able to quickly come to terms with his worst experience and had the best experiences with him.

Not a day passes that Yibo is not grateful that Zhan has entered his life. And if there is anything he regrets, it's that he didn't look in his pockets back then. Because if he had, he would have found Zhan's phone number there and would have met him much earlier.

He is glad that Zhan created "The Matchmaker" especially for him and that he could finally find him again.

And there was something else that changed after he met Zhan again. He celebrates his birthday again. Exclusively and only with Zhan, he celebrates his birthday every year.

Every year they go to the restaurant where Yibo's boyfriend broke up with him. They sit at the same table as Yibo and his ex, order a hot pot and confess their feelings to each other. And they talk about their future, about their future together.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Yibo."

Yibo gets never tired of telling this to Zhan every day. Sometimes, when he thinks about how the two of them got together and how happy he is with Zhan, he can hardly believe it himself.

What happened to him on his eighteenth birthday, finally made him feel like the happiest man on the whole planet. For him, Zhan is not just the man he loves, he is his whole life, his universe!



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