-9- Who is Xiao Zhan?

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-9- Who is Xiao Zhan?

In this chapter, we will learn more about Xiao Zhan and his past. I'm not sure if this is just one chapter yet. We'll see.

Xiao Zhan grew up in a beautiful suburb near Beijing. He and his sister are the only children in the family and were always loved by their parents. Unfortunately, Zhan's mother had an accident when Zhan was just seven years old and is now handicapped.

And because Zhan's father was then and still is today as a driver of a heavy-weight transporter often on the road for months, Zhan's big sister mostly took care of him and the household, because nobody else could do it.

She cooked, cleaned, did the laundry and made sure that Zhan always learned and did his homework. She also taught him pretty much everything he needed to know about the life. Even though she is only four years older than Zhan.

Yanli taught him that, if you see someone needs help, don't hesitate and help! So he did and helped. Whether it was a wounded animal or a human, he always helped them without hesitation.

But when Zhan turned eighteen years old, his life changed and he had to face some challenges. For example, his sister told him that he is now an adult and that she could finally leave.

From one day to the next, the most important person in his life left him with the words, "Thank God you're eighteen now and I'm finally free." At that time he was very hurt and without his big sister he felt lost.

She was his anchor and suddenly she left him. And this at a time when she was important to him. He had just found out that he liked men. And he met Ben, who was ten years older.

Zhan was in love with him, even though he was older than him. And he was happy to have found someone who made him forget how lonely he felt after his sister left.

Ben, who is originally from Sweden, was always kind and loving to Zhan, but they had only been a couple for three months and Ben seemed to understand that Zhan needs time, as all this is new to him. Being in love for the first time, being with someone for the first time and being in love with a man for the first time.

However, after the first three months, Zhan felt more and more that Ben was becoming impatient. Zhan let him kiss him and at least touch his upper body, but he didn't feel ready to go any further.

One evening, shortly after the two had been together for three months, Zhan accompanied his boyfriend and his friends to a bar. Zhan didn't like Ben's friends. They were always lewd and tried to touch him all the time.

But Ben always protected him from them. That night, Ben had drunk more than usual and luckily, Ben's friends left Zhan alone. Which was a great relief to him. But Ben seemed like a different man to him.

Again and again he tried to kiss and touch Zhan, still in the bar. Again and again he let his hand slide under Zhan's sweater and into his pants. At some point Zhan had enough of this and just wanted to take Ben home so he could sleep his drunkenness off.

So he called a taxi and drove with him to Ben's apartment. He took Ben upstairs and to his apartment, took off his shoes and took him to his bedroom where he put Ben on his bed.

Zhan wanted to go home immediately, but suddenly Ben grabbed his hand and dragged Zhan to his bed. He jumped on Zhan and Zhan was terrified. He told himself, that he wanted to sleep with Ben at some point anyway. So he stayed in bed with Ben.

And in the beginning, although he forced Zhan into his bed, Ben was very careful and loving. Zhan let him do it and had also started to like the way Ben spoiled him.

But when it came to the real act, Ben's loving and gentle side was gone. And all Zhan felt at that moment was fear and pain. He endured it until Ben was done and then dropped down next to him, where he fell asleep right afterwards.

Zhan, who was shaking, crying and in pain all over his body, dressed himself carefully and left Ben's apartment as soon as possible. He went down the stairs and as soon as he left the house he threw up.

It was the middle of the night and he was far away from home. His wallet was almost empty and the battery of his phone was dead. Desperate with fear and in great pain, Zhan sank to his knees and cried.

The few people who passed him, did not pay attention to him and no one offered to help him. Carefully he picked himself up again and, holding on to the wall of the house, he walked to the next corner where he collapsed completely without strength.

And at that moment a young man came running towards him and picked him up from the street. He carried Zhan to his car. He put Zhan in his car and crouched down next to Zhan. "Don't worry, little one, I'll help you. I'll get you out of here. I wont hurt you. My name is Park Seo Joon, I' m twenty-four years old and I live near here. Let me take you to my place to freshen up first. I'll take care of your wounds." He said to Zhan.

They arrived at Seo Joon's apartment shortly after, with Seo Joon carrying him to his apartment as soon as they left the car. He bathed Zhan, cared for all his wounds, and gave him clean clothes that were much too big for him.

Zhan stayed at Seo Joon's home for several days and told him little by little what happened that night. And Seo Joon promised him to take care of this Ben. And he did. He almost beat Ben to the hospital.

Seo Joon and Zhan became very good friends and whenever Zhan needed help, he could rely on Seo Joon.

On the other hand, Zhan's sister never returned home. While she was studying she met a man, whom she married shortly after and started a family with him. To this day, she has never contacted Zhan again.

But Zhan didn't hold it against her either. He knew she spent her childhood and youth taking care of him and her mother, taking care of the household and rarely had time for her own interests.

It continues in part 2!

It continues in part 2!

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