-6- From the bottom of my heart

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-6- From the bottom of my heart

Yibo stood in front of the long mirror on his wardrobe. He got another invitation to go on a date. But he didn't really feel like it. For one thing he was tired from his long day at the university, then he had been working and now he had to go on this date.

With a last look in the mirror and a long loud sigh he left his room and put on his shoes. Until the last moment he still hoped that the guy would cancel. But unfortunately Andy wrote instead, he was looking forward to the date.

When Yibo arrived at the agreed upon restaurant, he sat down at an empty table and waited for his date. Andy arrived on time and greeted Yibo friendly. Yibo was just a little irritated when Andy gave him a red rose.

"The rose is meant as a small excuse because unfortunately I have less time today than expected. My boss called me earlier and told me I had to take care of a case." Explained the legal assistant, Andy.

Yibo nodded and felt a little relieved. Andy seems nice, but Yibo already knows that he doesn't want to see him a second time.

Yibo was always wondering if his brother was right when he told him about his dates and he said: "Your heart is closed. Because it' still waiting for your sweet boyfriend from back then to come back."

Yibo had told his brother afterwards everything that happened on his birthday and after that. He just had to confide in his brother and talk to him about it. And when Hai Kuan asked him if he really loved Zhan or was just very grateful, Yibo said, "I love him. I love him from the bottom of my heart."

Hai Kuan had even helped him in his search for Zhan. Since Hai Kuan and Zhan are the same age, it could have been that maybe one or the other of his friends knows Zhan.

At that time Hai Kuan gave Yibo a pat on the back of the head. "You should have asked him for his phone number, stupid."

Andy talks incessantly about his work and how many cases his boss has on the table at the moment. When he can usually get off work and why he likes working for his boss so much.

Slowly but surely Yibo starts to wonder if his date might not be secretly in love with his boss. Since everything he talks about has something to do with his boss.

"When I told my boss I had a date tonight, he looked at me weird. Do you think he could be bothered?" Wants to know Andy.

"Maybe you should find out if your boss is into you?"

"What? No, why? What makes you think that?"

"Well, because you're obviously into him. So there's nothing wrong with finding out if he's into you." Yibo replied bored.

"I only signed up for the portal because I saw my boss was there. And he was even shown to me as a match. But so far no reaction came from him. Maybe he hasn't seen me there yet."

"And I registered at the portal because I'm really looking for someone. So now I've practically wasted my time. Don't blame me. I mean that in a good way. But I paid a lot of money to maybe find someone in this portal. And every date sucked. So I'm gonna go and say goodbye now. I wish you luck with your boss." Told Yibo and left the restaurant.

Yibo got angry on the way back to the shared flat, where Seungyoun and Wooseok were already eagerly waiting to hear how Yibo's date went. After Yibo told them what he experienced on his date, he went to his room to complain in the forum of the portal.

He opened his notebook, went to the page of the partnership portal and was surprised to see a message from the administration. Apparently some people registered in the portal illegally and caused a lot of trouble.

With open mouth he read through the message.

"Dear members,

we apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, some pranksters have illegally gained access to our portal and have tried to attack or even trick some users.

We are on the case and have blocked the profiles that were reported to us and are going one step further. We will report every one of these fools!

So if you're one of them too, better leave before we catch you.

"The Matchmaker" is a serious partnership portal for people who are seriously interested in a relationship.

We will get back to you as soon as there is any news!

Many greetings

Xiao Zhan, Zoey Meng and Yu Bin"

Yibo couldn't believe it. Over and over again he read the names. Under the message there is also a button where you can write to the operators. Yibo immediately clicked on the button and another page opened, where he could choose which of the three operators he wanted to write to.

Of course, it is clear to everyone who he has selected, right?

An input field for his message opened and Yibo's heart was racing with excitement.

"Hello Zhan, do you remember me? Wang Yibo"

Although it was only those few words he wrote, he felt great and hoped that Zhan would soon give him answers and remember him. Nervously he walked up and down his room, calling his two best friends and telling them the news.

"Do you really think he'll answer?" Seungyoun wanted to know.

And at that moment, Yibo received a message. He sat down at his notebook, his best friends stood behind him and he went to the message box.

"Ha Ha, sure I remember you. How are you? Where are you?" Zhan wrote him back and Yibo beamed all over his face. Finally he found Zhan!

"I am well and yourself? I am in Beijing. Where are you? Still abroad?" Asked Yibo.

And only two minutes later he received an answer: "I'm great! No, I'm long since back from South Korea. Funny, I am also in Beijing. I am happy to read about you. When I came back from Seoul, I wanted to visit you, but I forgot where you lived.

Seungyoun and Wooseok quietly left the room and let Yibo continue writing with Zhan in peace.

And with tears in his eyes, but smiling broadly, Yibo read the last message several times. "He wanted to visit me. He wanted to see me again." He muttered and clicked on answers.

"I would have so looked forward to seeing you again. Too bad you forgot where I lived. But I'm happy to have found you again now."

And shortly afterwards Yibo received another message: "I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, but you never got in touch. But that is not so important. We can meet again if you want."

Yibo thought about it back and forth for a long time until he remembered that he gave the trousers to the laundry without checking the pockets first. "Oh man, it could have been so easy." He said to himself and quickly wrote a reply to Zhan: "Sorry, I gave them to the laundry without looking in the bags first. I would be very happy if we could meet again. I missed you." Then he added his phone number.

Five minutes later his phone rang. Yibo stared at it with a beating heart and answered the call. "Hi Yibo, thanks for your phone number. Oh, yes, it's me, Zhan."


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