-11- Reunion and frustration

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-11- Reunion and frustration

Yibo jumped for joy when Zhan wrote him that he had nothing to do that Saturday and they could meet, after Yibo asked him if he was free this weekend.

After all, the two have been in daily contact for a little over three weeks now and still couldn't even meet during this time. But now that Yibo has some time off until the next exam and doesn't have to work on the weekend, he finally has the chance to meet Zhan.

Immediately after Zhan had written him, he ran into the living room where Wooseok and Seungyoun were sitting and watching a movie. Happily, he told them that he would finally see his Zhan again on Saturday.

They want to meet at the beach in the morning. And spend the day by the sea. "Hopefully the weather will play along. Then we can go swimming in between. I'm dying to see him in a bathing suit." Yibo explained laughing.

"Admit it, you just want your Zhan to wear as little as possible." Replied Wooseok, who liked Yibo's positive change since he has been back in touch with Zhan. Yibo was much happier now, laughed a lot, made jokes and you could see he is happy.

"I know what Zhan looks like naked. But I wouldn't mind seeing him like that again." Said Yibo and giggled. Yibo himself just felt like a child just before Christmas, looking forward to his presents.

Seungyoun shook his head and, like a worried father, warned Yibo to remember that they are in public on the beach and must behave accordingly.

This was something Seungyoun didn't have to explain to Yibo. Yibo was fully aware of this and already had a plan. Because there's one area of the beach that is less visited. Because there is no supervision by a lifeguard.

Actually, only young people who want to be alone with someone go there. And Yibo wants to be alone with Zhan. He wants Zhan's full attention for him. Just for himself and no one else!

After telling his two best friends his good news, Yibo changed his clothes and made his way to the mall. He needs a new bathing suit and already wants to buy some snacks and drinks, because Saturday is already two days away!

When he was back from his shopping tour, he put everything he bought on his bed, took a picture of it and sent it to Zhan. He wrote: "Yeah, Saturday can come! Happy!"

Later in the evening the two of them talked on the phone again, just like in the past weeks. For Yibo, it felt like the two of them already had a relationship. Every evening they talked for hours until they fell asleep.

In the morning they wrote each other messages to wish each other a good morning and a nice day. At noon they wrote to each other to wish each other a good appetite and in the evening they talked on the phone again.

Friday seemed to drag on endlessly for Yibo and it was only when he heard Zhan's voice in the evening that he once again had the feeling that time was just flying by.

When Yibo and Zhan said goodbye to get out of bed on time the next day, Yibo lay down on his bed and grinned broadly. "Just one more night and I will finally see you again. And then I can finally kiss you and touch you. Finally I can be close to you again. I love you, Zhan. I love you so much." He whispered as he looked at the picture of Zhan again.

Even before the alarm clock rang, Yibo was on his feet, had already showered, styled his hair, packed his beach bag and was now sitting in his room staring at the clock.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, made the clock and Yibo cursed the clock because its second pointer was so slow. Or was he just too impatient? He stared at the clock and tried to use mind control to make the time pass faster when he almost fell from the bed in shock.

He had forgotten to turn off the alarm clock in his phone. With his heart pounding and gasping for air, he turned off the alarm clock. When he had recovered his balance, he concentrated again on the wall clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock.

When the big pointer of the clock finally jumped to twelve and the small pointer to nine, Yibo jumped up from the bed, grabbed his beach bag and ran into the corridor, put on his shoes and stormed out of the door.

He then took a cab to the beach and waited for Zhan at the arranged place. Nervously he let his beach bag splash against his knees again and again until it almost fell out of his hand.

Yibo could not believe his eyes. Seungyoun and Wooseok just came straight towards him! "What the hell are they doing here?" He murmured and looked gloomily at the two who came waving to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked them annoyed, shocked and frustrated.

"We thought the idea with the beach was a great idea and we wanted to come here for a long time anyway. Besides, this way we can also see your Zhan in person. Don't worry, we won't bother you either." Said Seungyoun and Wooseok looked at Yibo apologetically.

"Isn't that him?" Asked Wooseok and glanced at someone coming towards the three.

Yibo turned in that direction and immediately got red cheeks. A broad grin appeared on his face and his heart was about to burst. With quick big steps he walked towards Zhan, followed by his best friends.

"ZhanZhan..." Called Yibo and ran the last few meters towards Zhan. He threw his arms around Zhan and hugged him tightly. But the kiss he had planned did not work out. Because his two friends immediately pushed themselves between them to introduce themselves.

"Oh, I see you brought your friends. Perhaps I should invite my friends as well?" Asked Zhan and Yibo's heart sank a little deeper.

Only half an hour four friends of Zhan's came. They introduced themselves as Park Seo Joon, Park Hae Jin, Peng Chuyue and Bai Shu. They greeted Yibo and his friends friendly and together the big group made its way to the beach where Yibo wanted to be alone with Zhan.

 They greeted Yibo and his friends friendly and together the big group made its way to the beach where Yibo wanted to be alone with Zhan

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