-17- Where do you know Seo Joon from?

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In this chapter we get to know something about Seo Joon's past and why he is so overprotective of Zhan.

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-17- Where do you know Seo Joon from?

Yibo has been living with Zhan for a week now and he has settled in well. So he thought it was time to ask some questions. And there was one that he was particularly interested in at the moment. Where does his ZhanZhan actually know Seo Joon from?

Zhan was sitting in front of his desk and had just finished his work. Yibo went to him and sat down next to him. He pulled Zhan's chair towards him and kissed him. "You ZhanZhan, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course."

" Where do you know Seo Joon from? And what kind of person is he?"

Zhan put his hands in Yibo's hands and told him his story of his first love with his then boyfriend Ben and how it ended. And that it was Seo Joon, of all people, who found him then and took care of him until he was better.

Yibo swallowed hard when he found out that Zhan had made very similar experiences with his first time and he was astonished that Zhan was only eighteen years old like he was back then.

Now it was finally clear to him why Zhan knew so well how Yibo felt and what to do to make the wounds heal better and which ointment helps against the soreness but also against the pain at the same time.

But he was also horrified that their similar fate brought them together. Even though Zhan clearly told him that he had helped him anyway, and that it didn't matter if he had to go through something like that himself.

"And Seo Joon? He helped you just like that?"

"Yes, he did. He found me and he took me with him. He cared for me until I was well again. And he took care of Ben, too. He beat him up real bad."

"Has he perhaps had experiences similar to ours?"

"Not Seo Joon. But his little brother. When Seo Joon became eighteen years old, his parents decided they didn't want to be parents anymore and ran away when Seo Joon and Jo Joon were in school. When they came home, there was an envelope with money on the table and a letter. They wrote that they would come back soon. But Seo Joon and Jo Joon knew that this was a lie, because they took all their things with them.

From then on Seo Joon had to go to work right after his graduation at school and couldn't study. He had to earn money for rent, electricity, telephone, clothes, books and other teaching materials for his brother and of course also for food.

He even managed to save a little bit of money so that he could send his little brother to the holiday camp where he had wanted to go. At that time he was thirteen years old. He would be as old as me now.

The summer camp went on for three weeks and Seo Joon called all two days with Jo Joon. And when his phone rang on the sixth day of Jo Joon's stay at the camp, he thought his little brother was calling him and telling him again all the great things he had done.

But things turned out differently. It was the camp director who told Seo Joon that his brother was missing. Of course, Seo Joon immediately made his way to the camp and searched for his little brother together with the police.

And Seo Joon of all people found him. That means the badly battered body of his thirteen-year-old brother.

During the autopsy it was found out that Jo Joon was raped several times and in the end strangled until his death occurred. The culprit was quickly found. It had been one of the camp staff.

He had been after the slender thirteen-year-old Jo Joon from the beginning. He gained his trust and asked him if he wanted to go for a walk through the forest. There he fell far away from the camp, several times over Jo Joon. And out of fear the boy might give information about him, he strangled him. For minutes he squeezed his throat until he was sure that there was not a trace of life left in the boy.

Then he just left the boy lying there, just covered with a few leaves. The animals in the forest and insects already started to feed on him when Seo Joon found his body.

When it came to the court case to go to the eighteen-year-old counselor, his parents have gotten him expensive lawyers. And they obtained a medical certificate that certifies that their son is mentally ill and therefore not responsible. The judge's hands were tied, he had to obey the law and could only give an order to send him to a psychiatric hospital.

Everyone was shocked by this. Especially when the counselor left the courtroom smiling. Jo Joon died by the hands of this person and he grinned, too. Seo Joon completely freaked out and hit the counselor until he lost consciousness. He had to go to jail for three months for that.

When he was free again he decided to leave his home country and came here to Beijing. He had just turned twenty years old. Four years later, he met me and helped me. We became good friends and he now works for a social organization that takes care of victims of abuse and rape." Explained Zhan.

Yibo had to digest this story first. He thought he might have beaten the guy's soul out just like Seo Joon. Now he wasn't surprised anymore that he was so squeamish about the guy who had done this to Yibo.

And Yibo was glad that Seo Joon found Zhan. Because of him Zhan felt safe at that time and with his help he could work out his experience.

Yibo himself had quickly gotten over what happened to him through his love for Zhan. Of course he also had nightmares and fear that something like this could happen to him again.

But still he was doing well, because he clung on to his love for Zhan. Even though he had not seen him again at that time.

"And there was never anything more between you and Seo Joon?"

"Uh, no. Neither I nor he ever had any feelings for each other that went beyond a friendship. I think he sees me more as a little brother. After all, his brother and I were about the same age.

When we started getting to know each other, he was very overprotective of me. He never let anyone get too close to me. He took me to the university and picked me up from there. He also accompanied me shopping or just walking.

It got better after two years. Even though I wasn't really bothered by his over caring and over protective manner. It was good that someone always took care of me. But I was also glad when he slowly relaxed."

Yibo had learned enough for today and these stories about Zhan and also the brother of Seo Joon would surely keep him busy for a few days. He lifted Zhan from his chair and carried him into the living room where he put him on the sofa.

Yibo lay down on Zhan and stroked his cheeks. Then he remembered an important question: " How exactly do you make your money ZhanZhan?" And another question also came to his mind: "Which of you founded "The Matchmaker?" and why?"

 Then he remembered an important question: " How exactly do you make your money ZhanZhan?" And another question also came to his mind: "Which of you founded "The Matchmaker?" and why?"

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