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Nightmare after nightmare plagued me, like a continuous loop until Ash shook me awake, realizing that it was 10 in the  morning, and I felt like a rag doll , not even an icy shower helped much, but it was enough for me to eat breakfast, but other than that, I'm stuck in the kitchen going in and out of sleep.

"I see your still here, annnnd you still look like shit," Ash commented, putting my dishes in the sink, "I had fucking nightmare.." I drawled out, following her with my eyes, "well if that's a problem, I have a friend that can help with that, but of course it's up to you," she said, leaning against the counter, "anything, I will do anything to get some good sleep." I responded, covering my face with my arms, letting myself to be taken by another nightmare.


When I thought the nightmares would continue, all of a sudden I was thrown into a quiet, and beautiful place, so much different from the nightmares I've been getting, it wasn't only the scenery, it was also how this place made me feel, like I was free from all the fear and anxiety.

I decided to make the best of this, running around, picking and eating all sorts of my favorite fruits till the sun fully set, as it made way for the stars, completely feeling refreshed, as everything starts to fade away.

Slowly I picked up my head from the table, looking around in complete shock, noticing that Ash is still in front of me, and that apparently time didn't pass, but for some reason a bunny is snuggled on my lap, "what the," I blurted out, causing Ash to break out in laughter, "sorry, I like you to meet Amani, she's a dream guardian," she explained, as the bunny jumped on the table, "she's ... tiny," I said awkwardly, not sure how to process this situation, "I can change my form depending who I'm guarding," a soft spoken voice said, realizing its coming from the bunny, "oh that's pretty cool" I said still not knowing how to react.

"Aww your so cute when your confused," Ash said suddenly, giving me huge smile, my body feeling a whole lot hotter than before, "uhhh," I said, feeling super tingly, "stop messing with her Ash," Amani commented, her body starting to glow, morphing into a more human form, before going into detail of what she does, and explain all the different creatures that exist.

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