Ash explained about the tension brewing between both sides for centuries and how beings with bloodlust and no humanity formed their own clan against beings who value to protect all species, including humans, so the tension continued to grow between the two, and now with the new queen since she declared war.
"That's pretty complicated, and I'm guessing you guys saving me was the last straw," I commented after the little explanation, "unfortunately yes, but it was bound to happen eventually, things will only continue to escalate even if we didn't save you," Oklen said, patting my shoulder on her way out the door, "but now I have to go, I need to inform our superiors about the attack. Love you sis!" she yelled, closing the door behind her.
We were left in awkward silence, the sir thick enough to strangle you, "how about we get some breakfast before making our next plan," Ash said, putting on her shoes, as I went to grab my jacket that I threw on top of my own shoes; we left the motel immediately, deciding to eat at IHOP.
"Miley, I'm really an sorry about you being dragged into this, I know you probably had plans that didn't involve the supernatural," Ash started, looking down at her hands, "Ash stop, its not your fault, so don't blame yourself for our situation," I reassured, grabbing a hold of her hand, giving her a squeeze before letting go, "and trust me, I didn't have much figured out before this, my life was pretty slow," I said, as our waiter came over to take our order.
After stuffing our faces with delicious pancakes, it was time to decide what to do next, "I think I should take you to my organization, it's a lot safer there," Ash said, catching my attention on her, "may I ask what's the name of the organization?" I questioned, curious to know the place that Ash works at, "well the name doesn't make much sense, buts its called the Beastial Educational Training Association, also known as BETA," she explained with a straightforward answer, "well it's not like we have any other options, so why not," I agreed, a bit nervous about going back, but relieved I'll at least be safe.