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The place was very decent, big enough to hold the entire military branch, but I'm still pretty nervous about meeting more beings that were definitely not human, "come on, it's about time I showed you around," Ashe said, guiding me into the building bustling with many people either in suits, dresses, or workout gear, only a few in casual clothes.

We continued our way through the building, feeling the stares I was getting, but I tried to ignore as best as I could, glancing around my surroundings. Suddenly there was a loud boom, dubree flying everywhere, and I immediately took cover, Ash close behind, shielding me from flying concrete, "shit! We're under attack!" someone screamed, "oh this bullshit," Ash groaned, hauling me up from the ground, "come one! We don't have time to waste!" she continued, guiding me away from our hiding spot, but I couldn't help but stop in my tracks at the carnage, there were gigantic animals everywhere attacking humanoids that look bloodthirsty, but before I could continue to observe the blood shed, Ash picked me up and ran off through a opening.

My heart is racing, faster than I thought it could be, I was scared, really scared. And that's all I can be, a scaredy cat, a human who can't win against monsters like that, "Miley! Snap out of it!" Ash yelled in my ear, bringing me out of my shock, as she put me down, "I i, what do we do," I cried out, wishing I wasn't human right now, "right now, you need to get some protection,  this is the weapon room,  but I have to go help," she said, jabbing the pin number into the keypad, the door clicking open, "I understand," I whispered softly, following her into the room filled with weapons, and other military grade things.

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