Ash was going back and forward, making sure the roast and the rice don't overcook, "you sure you don't need any help?" I asked, not wanting to feel completely useless, "no its fine, I don't want you to over exhaust yourself, I know you haven't completely healed," she answered, checking on the roast, before grabbing a chair to sit next to me, "so how are you?" she asked, glancing over at me, "I'm just soar right now, yesterday was the worst," I replied, turning my body towards her, "that's good, hopefully you'll feel much better after a week or so," responded Ash, her smile becoming more genuine.
We started a small conversation about our lives, learning that she has two older brothers and a sister, that she not only plays the piano, she also plays the guitar, and drums, and is now learning to play the cello; getting to know her is definitely refreshing, like I'm finally connecting with someone, even though we don't know each other that long, but it was nice to talk to someone who isn't going to shame you for who you are, it just felt right.
Once we finished our dinner, Ash showed me where I'll be sleeping, before going out to patrol around for the night; I got into the bed, staring at the ceiling fan that's keeping me from overheating, my mind wondering till I fell asleep to the sounds of the whooshing fan.