Chapter 2- proposal

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Taehyung pov
"Uhggg! I'm finally home." I need to make dinner for tonight. "Mmh. I'll do noodles."

I got done making my ramen. And sat in the living room eating and watching Hotel Del Luna. I started the series and looked at the clock. It was 6:50. He should be home in 25 minutes. I happily ate my noodles and watched.

3 person pov
Jungkook was getting done about to be done with his work. He walked out of his office then looked at the flower. He went out of his office Kai bowed down to Jungkook "Get me a beautiful flower vase by tomorrow morning." "Yes sir."
Jungkook drove his sports car home to see his Taehyung parked his car in the garage. Went into his house and heard a mumble in the living room. He took his shoes off and went into the living room seeing his babyboy asleep.

He carried Taehyung to their bed and changed his clothes and his.

Morning came along. Jungkook got woken up by kisses from his lover. Taehyung. "Good morning sunshine." "Mmm, Good morning babe." Jungkook said with a rusty voice. Jungkook went into the bathroom, Taehyung came alone too. They did their morning run and showered together like always.

They went to work.

Taehyung pov
I came to work and saw Jennie and Roseanne seeing brough some food. "Woww what did you girlies buy?" "DUMPLINGS!!" Roseanne said. "BOO!" "AHHHH!! J-Jimin!!" I said "Hey TaeTae." "YAH! I missed you! Where were you yesterday?" "Oh I went to Busan with my boyfriends." "Wow Jimin I wonder if one of your boyfriends get jealous?" I pouted. "Hehe nope. Oh and I brought someone that wants to work with you. He's one of my lovely boyfriends. Hoseok." Jimin brought him into the flower shop. I quickly ate one of the savoring dumplings. "Wow Roseanne and Jennie! Where did you get these!" "Oh these. It's was downtown by the cafe." "Oh sweet!!"I said. Jimin brought his boyfriend into the store. "Ohhh!!!! Are THOSE DUMPLINGS!!!!"""" "YAH Jimin their mine!" "YAH! Those girls brought them to eat with all of us!" "Oh did you girls?" I said "u-umm Yes B-boss.." "Oh Rosie you should of said anything then." "No need to stutter."

We all ate dumplings together then heard the door bell open. I went outside to fix the flowers and saw a handsome person. More like my handsome person. "Jungkook! Your here? Why?" I said. He passionately kissed me. The workers went outside and saw us kissed. I was a bit embarrassed so I push away. "Wow Tae. You tased like dumplings." Jungkook said then smiled with his bunny smile. I pinched his cheek. "Am I the ONLY person who is single in this Flower Shop!" Jennie complain. "Oh! Noona I set a date for you with my secretary." Jungkook said. "Oh really" "Yup!" "Anyways.. Jungkook why are you here hun?" Jungkook bent down with one knee. "J-Jungkook-kook.. R-really." I was really speechless. "Kim Taehyung. Will you marry me and make the happiest man in earth?" "Y-Yes A hundred percent YES!!!" I hugged tightly him. I heard the girls squealing and jumping. People walking by stop and clapped and ruted form us.

After that day I called my mother. "Jungkook-ah my mother wants to meet you. Do you have time for tomorrow?" "Of course hun. I always have time for you."

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