"You don't look fine. That was a pretty hard fall and it looks like you hurt your ankle." He said nodding towards my right foot. Why does he suddenly care about me? Never once have I ever talked to this guy, not even in the Calculus class that we have together. I shifted my body so he couldn't see that I was actually injured. This is my business anyways, I can take care of myself.

"No, I assure you that I'm perfectly okay. Can I have that back now?" I asked as I reached towards the paper in his hand. He pulled the sheet back and hid it behind his back, away from me. I gave him an annoyed look as I crossed my arm. I don't have the time for this. I am already late to poetry club and now my ankle hurts. I just haven't had the best of luck lately and I suddenly wished that I was at home in my bed where I can cry about how terrible of a person I am for missing the one thing I enjoy most in the world.

Duncan lightly shook his head and gave me a mischievous smile. I mentally prepared myself for whatever he had planned to say or do.

"You're gonna come to the study group next Friday night, right?" He asked, still having that stupid smile on his face. Why is he even smiling? It's not even a big deal if I go or not.

"Yes. Can I please have my paper back?" I pleaded. I'm too annoyed and tired to deal with his dumb games. He's wasting my time here. As I said that, I lost my balance and out of instinct, placed my right foot down to steady myself. This only led me to wince in pain and force down a scream that so eagerly wanted to come out. In one swift move, Duncan came to my side and wrapped my arm around his neck. He then shoved my piece of paper into his front pocket, causing my breath to hitch. Now I'll have to retype and print that. I honestly don't know how people can treat papers like that. Afterwards, he took his other arm and wrapped it around my waist so he could help keep me steady. Seeing that I got myself in quite a predicament, I leaned my body weight onto him since he clearly won't let me go.

"Be easy on yourself. I have ice back at my dorm, I'll take you there." He tried to move us, but I halted, refusing to go along with him. Who the hell does this boy think I am? I'm not going into a dorm that belongs to a boy I barely know. That's a setup for a disaster that I would love to avoid.

"I have ice at my place, can you just take me there?" I asked, looking up at him. I never realized how tall Duncan actually was. He was bent over a bit to help me due to my small height. He looked down at me and rolled his eyes.

"I don't plan to fuck you, Kassandra." My jaw dropped at such a response. He did not just say that. He must be bold to assume such a thing and honestly I kinda feel offended. Offended that he would assume that, not about him not wanting to have sex with me. I shivered at that thought, I wouldn't even let him kiss me. Using my free hand, I smacked his chest and glared.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"For the record, Duncan, I want to go home so I can rest in my own bed." I sneered. If I wasn't crippled by a sprained ankle, I would've slapped him and walked away. What a douchebag, how could he be so self centered? Seriously, not every girl wants to sleep with him.

"I was only joking! Gosh girls like you can be so uptight." He commented as we continued to walk.

"I'm uptight? You're the one that just assumes every girl wants to be with you. You know what people call those types of people? Narcissistic." I spat back. Today is not the day to be messing with me. As if the world is against me, the people from my poetry club walked out of the library and instantly spotted me wrapped up with Duncan. I turned away with guilt. Now they're gonna think I wasted my time with Duncan then coming.

"You're brave to talk to me like this. I could drop you right now and leave you to crawl back to your dorm room. Clearly I'm not doing that because I'm not as narcissistic as you think I am. Don't be too quick to judge people, Kassandra. It makes you look like a complete bitch." I was too busy with my self guilt to fully listen to Duncan. The only actual thing I heard was my name and him calling me a bitch. I don't care though, I already made myself look bad in front of my poetry members.

Consequences of AttractionWhere stories live. Discover now