Plaid skirts and Black Coffees

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The annoying noise of the alarm rang through my room for the fifth time in the past few minutes. I let out an annoyed growl as I rolled over to snooze the alarm yet once again when my caller tune started ringing. Letting out another annoyed growl, I accepted the call without looking at the screen first.

"Hi..." I said sleepily.

" Raunaq don't tell me you are asleep." I heard an annoyed voice say back. I pulled back my phone to look at the caller ID. I cursed as I saw my best friend Aria's name pop on the screen.

"Umm no?" I said as I took off my baby blue fuzzy blanket and ran around my bedroom picking up the first pieces of clothing I could find.

"Oh yeah?" she said, " I will see you at the office in 10 then, k?"

"I cursed once again as I realized that a blue pencil skirt with a scooby doo shirt isn't the best choice and ran back to my closet to grab a black turtle neck and a plaid skirt.

It had been fifteen minutes, Aria had me called me about 5 times and I was still in my room doing my hair. I hate having to wake up early. Aria and I had just graduated from Ryerson University and were working as interns at a Company. Journalism had always been my passion. After graduating, I was excited to get to work but all I got to do was serve people coffee and move files from one person to another. Oh, and can I please rant about this stupid skirt I have to wear? I am a pants person but our oh so sweet and professional manager wants all the female interns to wear blouses and skirts. I scowled as I looked at my black heels. Another day of a foot ache. I started running down the stairs when I realized Aria was calling me again. I was officially 20 minutes late to work. Look I am usually a very punctual person but I just can't help myself when all my manager does is make me serve coffee during the entire day and then give me reports to work on right before I head home. I picked up my keys as I said a quick goodbye to my parents and rushed to my car.

By the time I reached the office, I was 40 minutes late. I walked into the elevator as I put on my blazer. I ran through the doors and knocked on the dark wooden door of my manager's cabin.

"Come in," she said sounding annoyed.

Sh*t. I am in trouble. She already seems mad.

"Hi, Jessica. I said, "I am sorry I am late." I said as I put her cup of black coffee on her desk.

"I won't be sorry when I fire you," she said as she sipped on her coffee. "Oh and this coffee sucks."

I am sorry the coffee machine YOU installed in the office is cheap I thought to myself but murmured a quick sorry to her. I had been standing there for 5 minutes now as she quietly worked on her computer.

"What are you waiting for? Give me your report."

I hastily looked through my laptop bag and handed her my report.

"Hmm... Give it to Bianca, she will post it on her blog."

"But.." I stopped talking when I saw her raise her eyebrow at me and walked out of her cabin.

I am the kind of person that likes to follow rules but I don't care about the rules if people start using me and take benefit of my kindness. I frown as I look down at my report. I flip through the pages as I analyze it one last time. I had worked on it till four in the morning and now it was going to become the cause of Bianca's promotion. Oh, it made me so angry just thinking about it.

Oh, and did I mention that Bianca is Jessica's niece? Talk about nepotism.

I glare at Bianca as she laughs amongst her friends. God forbid she ever work on making her own reports. She just likes to make others do her work and then pretend to be the most hardworking and innocent person in the building.

I sigh as I walk towards her cubicle to hand over the file. Being the clumsy person I am, I trip over thin air. I put a hand to my chest as I try to suppress a gasp. I look up to see the main reporter of the news channel looking down at me with a bored expression. He didn't even offer his hand to help me get up.

"What?!", I say as I glare at him.

"You are in my way., he says as he points to the recording room.

I move away still glaring at him. He is the true douche bag of our office. Just because he has a pretty face and my dream job of being a news reporter does not mean he can look down upon me. I dust off my skirt and head to Bianca.

"Hey Raoonaq", she said as I approached her.

"Its Raunaq, RAW - NUQ." I correct her for the millionth time since I started working at this place.

"It's close enough.", she says bored. "Oh, I see you printed my report. Thank you so much.", she says smirking at me. Oh, she makes me so mad. I clench my fists as I fake smile at her and hand her the file.

Just as I am about to leave, she grabs my wrist. Don't worry too much, one day you will be able to write wonderful reports like me.", she says in a sickeningly sweet voice. If it was up to me, I would have snatched that report from her and quit the damn job but because this is reality, I pulled my arm away from her and went to the cafeteria to get Jessica another mug of coffee.


Raunaq's Outfit:

Raunaq's Outfit:

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