Ten Degrees Too Cold

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Bianca's sickeningly sweet voice has had my blood boiling throughout the week. " Raoonaq, the pages in the report are out of order" "RaOoNaq this coffee is at least 10 degrees too cold." "Raoonaq didn't you wear that shirt last week?".
" It's RAW-NAQ god dammit." I imagine myself yelling but instead I find myself going to heat up her coffee another eight degrees so that she can stop destroying what's left of my eardrums.

I roll my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh as I see Amaal smirking at me. What is this self absorbed jerk doing here? Doesn't he have some amazing news to report or I don't know some girls to impress with his beach vacation pictures? Don't ask me why I saw them.
I mentally remind self to be a mature adult and place Bianca's mug under the coffee machine.

"You can stand up for yourself you know?" Says Amaal as I focus intently on the 30 second mark of the coffee machine.
" I would like to keep my job you know?", I reply still facing away from him. He walks towards me, his smirk turning into a coy grin. "Okay fine, I see your point. How about just getting revenge by proving that Bianca has a brain the size of a pea."

I hate to admit it but I was intrigued. I looked at him sceptically and whisper, " How?". He grins yet again and walks away. " You coming or not?"

I gasp and let out a giggle as I listen to his plan, " No waaay. She's gonna be furious..."
"Kinda the point." He says looking suddenly bored.
"Why are you helping me?", I ask not used to him being a decent human.
"Oh I don't care about you." He saying laughing, " Bianca's always gotten on my nerve. What better way to get rid of her than make someone else do it. You know, just in case it backfires?"

And with that he walks away and I snap out of my naive demeanour. He makes me sooooo mad. I am not playing his pawn. His stupid plan is not worth losing my job. Just as I have convinced myself, Bianca decides to dig her own grave.
" Raoonaq, I want the coffee today you know?"
Screw my strong dislike for Amaal, Bianca is going down. Right after I make sure her coffee is the right temperature.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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