Endangered Squid

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"So Ink, what do we do about Fresh?" Blue asked as Dream and Ink walked away from Haven house, along with Blue.

"Well...I have a hunch his plans have to do with Error, so most we do is keep Fresh away from Error," Ink said, "Well, I was also thinking-," Blue said before stopping, "What Blue? We're listening," Dream reassure, "...Maybe we teach Error basic stuff? He seems to not know much," Blue said, "When we're were talking, he seemed to admire Fresh like a savior, but I bet he doesn't know the truth, so maybe we could teach him the truth," Blue said.

"I like that idea Blue, Ink? What do you think?" Dream asked, "...If it keeps him away from Fresh, do anything necessary," Ink said.

"Now, I have to go, who knows if Fresh is destroying an AU from rage," Ink said opening a portal then leaving.

Blue looker at Dream and Dream looked at Blue. "Dream...are you worried about Ink?" Blue asked. Dream hummed, "Yes...when the doodle sphere is threatened, well...its messing Ink up, all we can do is hope this blows over soon enough and that we stop Fresh and his intension," Dream said.

Blue nodded in agreement, "Anyways, I'll come with you to Underswap, who knows if Fresh is still there," Dream said with a smile. Blue nodded, "Thank you," Blue told Dream, "No problem, let's go!" Dream said, opening a portal to Underswap.

Once the two of them where there, they entered Blue's house cautiously. "Dream...go check my room," Blue requested.

Dream nodded as he walked up the stairs and stood at his door. He summoned his staff before slowly opening the door. From where he was standing it was like no one was there. He slowly walked into the room on his guard.

He didn't like the eery feeling in the room. He looked to his left to check if someone was there, no one was there. The door then shut closed as Dream jumped where he stood.

He didn't move, but he then suddenly heard a lock from the door.

"Dream?...Everything alright?" Blue called from outside the room. The feeling of someone behind Dream felt immense.

Dream took a step back to feel someone's check. He quickly got off and took a step forward before turning to see Fresh standing there with a grin.

He was about to scream till Fresh pulled Dream close and buried his face in his chest and held him close as Dream struggled to get out his grasp.

"Dream?..." Blue called, "I'm fine!" Fresh said in a high pitched voice, "Oh, okay!" Blue said as he kept looking around his house.

"...Dream, don't scream...or tis will be VERY...unrad," Fresh told Dream a bit darkly and menacing. Dream stopped struggling as Fresh let Dream go slowly.

"What do you want?" Dream exclaimed quietly, "Where's Error?" Fresh asked. Looking at Fresh, you can see a bit of his anger coming out from under his glasses. His magic was boiling, so Dream was uneasy being alone.

"I'm...not sure," Dream said.

"Lying is tots unrad broski, just tell me where E-Dawg is," Fresh said, taking a step closer as Dream took a step back, clenching on his staff.

Now that he thought about it, he wished he'd stab Fresh leg to get free, but he knows he would never do that unless necessary, and looking at Fresh now...he's happy he didn't do such a thing.

"I'm not lying...I'm not sure where he is," Dream told Fresh. It was a sugarcoated truth. He knows the AU they're in, just not where they are in the AU, for all they know, Haven could have teleported them both to New Mexico in that AU,"

"Who knows where Error is?" Fresh asked, "Ink," Dream told Fresh as he groaned. A heavy impatient feeling was sitting on Fresh head and chest, he didn't like it at all.

"Now...answer my questions...Fresh," Dream said, snarling at his name, "What do you want with Error?" Dream said, pointing the staff at Fresh, threatening him.

Fresh chuckled, "I don't think tat's any of ur beezwax yo," Fresh said. Dream got a bit confused at what he said, but understood a bit of it, knowing that Fresh doesn't want Dream to know.

"What do you plan on doing with Error?" Dream asked. Fresh shrugged, "Probably travel around cool, awesome, rad AUs" Fresh said, "Then?" Dream said, glaring at Fresh with a burning gold fire in his eyes, "...Probably leave, dude tis is so simple," Fresh said, with a confused and concerned grin.

Fresh felt that this is a useless conversation, "Anyways, I have a squid to torture, ciao!" Fresh said before teleporting away.

"Wha-...dang it!" Dream said, as much as he doesn't like kitty cursing, Dream walked to the door and unlocked it, "Everything is clear!" Blue said, "Blue, come on," Dream said, "What why?" Blue asked, "We need to check on Ink," Dream told Blue.

"What why? I don't understand," Blue said, "I think I might have put Ink in danger," Dream said.

Blue processed it for a little while before nodding. Dream opened a portal to the doodle sphere so Blue and Dream could check on Ink.

~ The Glitch by My Side ~ [COMPLETE ✔]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin