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The next morning Fresh had awoken from his slumber, Error still sleeping peacefully from the long night he had, dreaming. He wondered how Error could sleep like that. Naturally and if he did nothing wrong.

Perhaps because Error's intentions meant no wrong. This was all because of him after all...because he couldn't protect Error enough, so Error felt he had to protect them both. This was the only way he saw fit. He never meant for it to be this way.

...but he never meant to grow attached either. Fresh had leaned down a bit at Error's sleeping body. Should he just...get rid of Error? End his misery...and take his body as his own or...

No...he couldn't. He'd sit up...things have changed now. He's grown some way, shape, or form. Somehow, he cares about Error.

One day, messing around he had just come across an empty AU except a childlike that he is overwhelmed and exposed to all this stuff...he's tainted, and all because he couldn't protect Error from...the monarch of stars.

He gritted his teeth a bit before standing up from his spot. He needed to be somewhere else, to do something before he went mad all by himself. 

He decided to peacefully go to Candytale. He thought that Error might like to go to this AU someday. It's filled with pretty much anything sweet that you can imagine.

He didn't really know what to do there however, the most he could do was walk around snowdin forest and hope no one saw him. With all the commotion of people looking for him AND Error, he could only hope no one would find him. That wouldn't be rad, it would mostly ruin his day.

Still, he needs to think of what to do about Error. He's doing all this violent stuff for him. He never wanted that... He just wanted a cool friend to do chaotic things well as a new host, but things have changed now. 

Now...he doesn't know what to do. This feeling of confusion is strange. There are so many complex things going on that making a choice of what to do is overwhelming...

If only he had someone to talk to about this.

He'd glance to the side and see the Sans of this AU's stationary post, abandoned. The wood is made out of chocolate with the snow on top being frosting of pink and white. He wondered where Candy may be. 

He stepped out of the bushes and forest area from behind and approached the station in front of it. There was a bell on the stand with a sign. An arrow was drawn on the sign that made it point to the bell.

Out of...pure impulse...Fresh ding the bell and immediately Candy had teleported back to his station. "Hi! How may I-..." Candy stared at Fresh dumbfoundedly.

Fresh was a little shocked. How does that bell even work? He'd take the bell and start pressing the button again, repeatedly making it ding

Candy grumbled before snatching the bell back. "Do you need something?" Candy asked. Ignoring the fact that Ink is looking for Fresh. "Was just bein' a curious cat!" His large grin and finger guns were his response.

"Then what are you doing HERE? aren't here to destroy my world, are you?" Candy looked dismissive but still concerned. "Nah! I've come in peace dawg!" Fresh reassured. Candy wasn't sure if Fresh was the type to lie. Guess it doesn't matter for right now.

"You know they are looking for you and that other outcode right?" Candy mentioned. "Figured much!" He rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't taking it too seriously. "Know why?" Fresh somewhat knew the answer but wanted someone else's perspective.

"Hm...perhaps it's just me, but maybe it's because they are overprotective-" Candy shrugged. Fresh tilted his head, he didn't follow. "Ya know- they don't want other people to be influenced by other BAD people...- no offense."

~ The Glitch by My Side ~ [COMPLETE ✔]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora