The Signs As...

12 1 2

Oh, hi. This chapter is the result of the author's boredom and procrastination. Do your work! - Virgo

Let us sing a song

Aries - Lets put som La's in here. La la, da da, mmMM I am 5 days behind in my online woOrk.

Taurus - And baby that's alright. La da da im just gonna...

Gemini - wait a million years, wish I could leave my house~


Leo - Cancer shut up- La da da da dah, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna, ALRiGHt, prOoOcrast...

Virgo - PROCRASTINATE, ooh, yah, We're just gonna

Libra - PARTY ALL DAY except we can't... I miss those days yeaa, la la the days we could live and laugh with our friends.

Scorpio - Scratch that! The planet's doing amazing without us~ And I'm fine with staying in all day~

Capricorn - what are we doing

Saggitarius - PROCRASTINATING~ nst, yah, ooh BRING THE BEAT IN 

Aquarius - anything for u Beyonce... i love yo-

Pisces - at least we got animal crossing lol

Okay, but for real, 

thanks tumblr

The "No You Ask Them" Squad

Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces

The "I will kill you if you bump into me" Squad

Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio

The "Sassy to the teacher" Squad

Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius

The "Asks to go to the bathroom because they're bored" Squad

Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra, Leo

The "Always Late" Squad

Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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