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Hello. I'm Virgo. Some may say I'm the smartest Zodiac sign.

They're right. I am. No, I'm not conceited.

You came here to learn a bit more about me, so I will inform you the best I can. :)

My birthday can range from:

August 23 to September 22

I am practical and hardworking, which are common traits as an Earth sign.

My fellow Earth signs are Capricorn and Taurus. 

You know it's okay to add your opinion, right?

You know this is my chapter, right? Even so, I guess I could stand to take your advice. I don't want my readers to get bored.

Capricorn is easy to talk to for me. She challenges my opinions and provides great intellectual discussions. Taurus is a great person to talk to when I need to relax or vent. She listens and provides her opinion when needed.

I say 'she' because they are both feminine signs. I am a feminine sign as well.

My ruling planet is Mercury.

If I were sorted into a Hogwarts house, I am honestly not sure if I would be put in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Most people would immediately assume I am a Ravenclaw because I am analytical, hardworking, and practical. However, I am also known to be loyal and kind. I sadly suffer from slight anxiety, preventing me from engaging in social activities I would otherwise be happy in attending. 

I relate! Outside of this book, I don't just have slight anxiety, ohoho no it is extreme lololol

First of all, it is rude to interrupt. Second, I am not sure what you mean by 'outside of this book,' though I feel I shouldn't pry.

Ahh, sorry. Won't happen again, m'lady.

Uh... thanks... I guess. A-anyway, I was talking about my weaknesses. Right, I am shy. I worry often and I am extremely self-critical. Actually, I'm not just critical of myself, I am also overly critical of others as well. 

Often times, the other signs invite me to places but I decline. Their automatic assumptions are that I'm too absorbed in my work. While sometimes that is true, it is also because of my anxiety. Leo thinks it's funny to say the phrase 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' fits me perfectly. He doesn't understand that it does hurt my feelings. I am not dull and my name is not Jack. If I am completely honest, I do not like Leo very much. He is the embodiment of all the things I dislike. I can't stand attention seekers who always have to be at the top, and he is loud. Unnecessarily loud. I wouldn't say he is rude, at least not on purpose. That is another thing I don't like: Rudeness. 

I can also admit that I have problems with asking for help. I like to do things myself, even when I know I cant.

Onto more positive things, I am an animal lover. I eat healthily and I adore nature. It is not uncommon to find me curled up with a book while listening to lofi beats and drinking a hot mug of coffee. I can not relax in an unsightly environment. I value cleanliness.

My relationship with Pisces is either hit or miss. We are either inseparable, or we hate each other. Luckily, in my case, it is the former. I get along quite well with Cancer. We are good friends.

Since Mercury is my ruling planet, I have a well-developed sense of speech and writing, as well as all other forms of communication. I would like to pursue a career connected to writing. However, I wouldn't mind a career dedicated to caring for others, such as a teacher or nurse.

In Mythology, I am called Virgo, the Disappointed Goddess. I look for kindness in humanity, yet I am often disappointed. The first time I entered planet Earth, according to the myth, I felt it was my mission to help the poor mortals inhabiting the planet. I constantly discovered ways of justice and purity in the people. I failed too many times. Times like these, I tend to get lost, and I criticize and judge the world for their endless sins.

Damn, that's deep.

Yes, deep and yet accurate. This world... is disappointing. Regardless, I still believe there is good. 

Ok. I believe that summarizes all you need to know about me. I'm sorry if this chapter was boring or not good enough.

No, no. It's fine. These chapters are supposed to represent the signs as their raw selves. You did great showing everyone who you are.

Thank you. Let's end here, then.

Alright! That was Virgo. This was the easiest chapter deal with because she was great at doing everything by herself. I didn't have to correct her at all. Next up is Libra. Vote for this chapter for our poor anxious Virgo in hopes she will gain some confidence soon. Bye!

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