According to my parents, my older brother was almost successful. Emphasis on the word 'almost'. He messed up his interview at one of the world's biggest companies due to a major hangover from the party he attended the night before. Since then, my parents barely talked to him because, as they put it, Landon 'ruined' our family name. Of course I still love him, he was just a kid in college at the time, tempted by the world of late night drinking and wild parties. However, I promised my parents that once I attend college, I wouldn't have any reckless behaviors or follow in my brother's footsteps. Now here I am, a sophomore in college, that already has her whole life planned out for her.

"Okay I get it, Sarah, I'm a bit of a stuck up know-it-all. Also, our friendship means way more to me then school and you know that, it's just, I've been wanting to make it into the writers club since I applied to this college." I butted in, interrupting her tangent. She paused and gave me a small smile before standing up and walking over to embrace me in a hug. I hugged her back and smiled. I'm just glad that we can go to sleep without any issues with each other.

"So does this mean you'll watch some Netflix with me?" She questioned in an excited tone as she pushed me back, grabbing my shoulders in the process. I looked at her and saw the hope in my eyes, wanting me to say yes. Smiling, I nodded causing her to scream out of excitement and drag me into the living room. Sarah then went on about how she has a lot of tea to spill, whatever that means.

After debating about what to watch, I sadly landed in defeat because her choice of re-watching Riverdale won. Sarah is obsessed with that show and even though I'm not the biggest fan of it, I still watch it so Sarah has someone to talk to about it. This will be the third time we re-watch the show, hopefully she won't make me binge a whole season in a day like she did last time.

We made some popcorn and situated ourselves on the couch as Sarah played the first episode. I was feeling a little anxious because right in front of the TV was the coffee table and on the coffee table, laid my laptop that held onto my essay that I desperately wanted to work on. Stop it Kassandra, you promised Sarah that you would take a break from school work and watch Netflix. I shifted my gaze away from my laptop, trying to break the temptation I had to just grab it and work on my paper while we watched the show. I knew Sarah would be disappointed if I did it so I refrained myself from thinking about it.

"Stop doing that with your leg." Sarah demanded and she placed her hand on my knee to make it stop fidgeting. I must've been thinking too much and tapping my foot on the ground helps process my thoughts and I guess I got a little too carried away.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about school again?" Sarah raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, knowing that she has found me guilty. I pouted my lip and nodded, apologizing for my persistent desire to do school work. She reached for the remote and paused the show. She then looked at me and then to my laptop.

She. Wouldn't. Dare. Seeing that I knew what her next intentions were, we both simultaneously lunged towards my laptop. Falling a bit sort, Sarah successfully snatched up my laptop and raised it above her head. I'm only 5 foot 2 while tall Sarah over there is 5 foot 10, so I have the disadvantage of being unable to reach for things in high places.

"Sarah Rae Johnson you know I have the genetic disadvantage here! You can't use your tallness against me, cheater!" I exclaimed as I tried to reach for my laptop. She laughed and shook her head before walking over to the kitchen and placing the device on the top shelf of the pantry otherwise known as the one shelf I can't reach. I huffed and stomped my foot down with frustration. It wasn't like I was gonna use it during our TV show marathon, I was only thinking about it. Sarah turned and gave me a sly smile.

"Now you won't be tempted to use your laptop, you're welcome." She boasted as she walked past me, making sure our shoulders bumped against one another to show that she won.

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