Chapter 3

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He.. left? He left. Ow my god, he left! Thought he never would.. I celebrated the fact. The mushrooms in my head were already dancing. But then I started to realise whatever happened today. And again I came to the same conclusion of all times. I. Hated. My. Life. I sighed and unlocked my phone to connect some music to the Bluetooth box. Since it was already late I started to cook myself some dinner. One of my favourite songs came up, puzzle piece by nctdream. (It's been a week since it came out and I've been listening to it endlessly. I'm not a stan of the group but just a cozy listener. The song makes me so calm and peaceful.) I started to sing along although I suck. "You're my missing puzzle piece." That sentence made me start thinking again. Who is my missing puzzle piece? Why don't I have one? When will I get one? Well definitely not now because I'm stuck with that Kyro guy. I heard I got a message and went to take a look. Speaking of the devil..

*Random number*
Hey this is my number, call me if needed. Kind regards

Kind regards? Are you sure it's you..

*rolls his eyes*


It was meant to be funny..

But it's not


Thank you for, well you know

Don't mention it
Let's meet tomorrow after class
Hey, are you still there?

No, I'm not because I'm trying to safe my over cooked spaghetti

Can you even cook? Make sure the sauce doesn't get burned while saving the spaghetti lol

Thanks for reminding me too late..

You gotta be kidding me

That was the last edible thing I had, this day hates me..

Oh honey, I don't think it's just this day

Hey! It's thanks to your messages!!

So shy but look at her yelling..

I'm going to sleep, I want this day to end

You should eat though

Like you care

He didn't text me back after that so I went to the shower. After showering I did my nightly routine and was ready to get in bed. It was only one minute I could lay down in peace because I heard a knock on the door. Completely against my will, I went to open the door. "One pizza salami." What? I didn't order anything. The guy saw my facial expression and spoke up again. "There's a note with it, here." He pushed the box in my arms and went away. Don't I have to pay? They must pay in advance.. As I got curious I took the note and read it.

I don't care.
But you said it was my fault..
Call me when your last class ends, I'll come pick you up.

Boy For Rent (BFR)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz