"I... I'm... Can't you tell? I'm scared every single night. I- I thought you knew." Taehyung whispered uncertainly, flinching despite himself as Jungkook's eyes flashed sharply. A moan tumbled from his slack mouth as Jungkook slid his fingers in and out slowly, all sounds swallowed by Jungkook's velvety tongue. Taehyung didn't know what to think. Jungkook didn't usually prep him this slowly or carefully; he knew Taehyung could take it easily.

"Is that why you always cling to me and don't let me leave when I've got shit to do?" Jungkook asked calmly, seriously even as he curled his fingers over Taehyung's prostate frustratingly, maddeningly slow. Taehyung flinched again at the potential danger simmering within Jungkook's words and opened his mouth to reply quickly, but he could only let a breathless moan escape at the dizzying explosion of heat coaxed by Jungkook's skilled touch.

"I'm- I'm sorry." Taehyung's words slipped out as a high pitched mewl as Jungkook leant down and bit at his neck harshly, the sharp, blissful burst of pain a stark contrast to the way Jungkook rubbed his fingers, massaging Taehyung's walls softly, teasingly.

"Ah... forget I said that. At least, for tonight." Jungkook muttered quietly, slipping his fingers out and sliding his smooth tongue up Taehyung's neck, ending in a unbearably hot breath of air that tickled the shell Taehyung's ear and drew reflexive shivers to the surface of his skin. Taehyung cried out embarrassingly loudly as he felt Jungkook's lips latch forcefully onto the sensitive spot of skin right behind his ear, dizzying, tingling streaks of heat sparking through his body and numbing his fingers.

Jungkook leaned back, trailing his fingers up the backs of Taehyung's thighs, instinctive shivers following the path of his teasing touch as he pushed Taehyung's legs apart further.

Taehyung could feel unbearably warm, almost giddy appreciation at Jungkook's slow and gentle efforts as a burn across the bridge of his nose, stinging behind his eyes and pressing down on his chest, but his body craved more. No matter how times it'd been, he still craved more and more and more, more of Jungkook's inebriating taste, more of his enslaving touch, more of his heat to scorch through his skin and consume their bodies in flames. Taehyung opened his legs just a little wider, shooting Jungkook a silent, imploring look, letting slow burning desperation fill his eyes.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung's whisper escaped as a breathy sigh as Jungkook ran explorative, gentle fingers over the backs of his thighs, sliding them up and trailing them back down in soft, appreciative caresses. His touch was warm, in more than one sense. Taehyung's eyes slipped shut but he could still sense Jungkook leaning down as he lifted Taehyung's leg up in the air by the knee, tilting his head up to meet Jungkook's soft lips halfway.

"Yeah? Tell me what you want." Jungkook murmured softly, achingly gently, and the simmering burn beneath Taehyung's closed eyelids, so easily sparked into a billowing flame by the slightest trigger, roared and blazed. Taehyung knew Jungkook hated it when he cried, but he couldn't help it sometimes. Even if Jungkook couldn't see the tears that seeped out beneath his eyelashes, he'd see it in the tremble of his lips.

"I want you." Taehyung spoke softly, desolate, miserable tone laced through with a tremor. His voice sounded weak and broken even to his own ears. His words, though simple and surface, held unspoken, deeper meaning that rang clear in the space they shared, suspended between them in the air they breathed, freeing, confining.

It hurt.

Taehyung kept his eyes shut so he didn't have to see whatever emotion lay within Jungkook's eyes as he captured Taehyung's lips again and entered slowly, carefully.


Taehyung ended up staying the night in Jungkook's executive-issued room, having fallen fast asleep the moment the last echoes of his sweet moans died away. Jungkook had sat there for a good hour or so watching him sleep, wondering why he didn't touch or hold him, wondering why he didn't wake him up and get him out.

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