Someone Else's Star

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Long, slender fingers press against white keys. A booming sound rings out, displacing the empty atmosphere and the gentle wind. Slow and methodical, the fingers push down gently.

Music plays. It starts slow, like the beginnings of a storm. Dainty keys chime out, clashing with the bitter sounding undertones. The melody rumbles in his chest, speaking to him, learning about him, intertwining their histories together. The tune represents something deep within the pianist. A truth hidden and unknown to his consciousness, something only his instincts understands. He is missing something, perhaps someone. A piece has been taken from him, but he doesn't know. Not yet.

The man closes his eyes to focus, letting his fingers and his instincts do the talking. His posture straightens, and he inhales coolly. He'll soon have a masterpiece with just a little bit more thought.


The thought is gone. With a sigh, Itachi opens his eyes, his posture falling as his fingers slip from the keys. He looks to his door, giving a lazy smile to the woman that called him as she rushes in.

"Izumi, I'm practicing," he hums lightly, not a resenting wrinkle on his face.

Izumi's eyebrows pinch together, and her cheeks puff out. "Ah! I'm sorry! But it's urgent!"

Itachi chuckles, scooting over on the bench so Izumi can sit down. "And what's so urgent?"

In her hands are eyeshadows. One is red, and the other is silver. She looks him dead in his eyes and says, "Which one should I put on for my video today?"

Itachi knows that whichever one he picks, Izumi will choose the opposite. He really likes the silver one, so he says, "Red."

Izumi makes a face and looks at the red one. "I think I heard you say silver, so silver it is!"

She presses her lips against his cheek as a thank you. Itachi can only smile as she hurries off to wherever she came from, promising she won't bother him anymore.

"I doubt that," Itachi chuckles, turning back to his piano.

Once she's gone, he straightens out his posture, letting his fingers settle on the keys to resume his song.


The couple aforementioned is Itachi Uchiha and Izumi Himura. Itachi Uchiha is a famed pianist, who is also climbing the popularity ladder for his paintings and hand-drawn pieces. Izumi Himura is an influencer. She posts on every social media site she can, and because her boyfriend is such a famous person, coming from an even more renowned family, she's known across the world.

These two have been together since high school and are known as the true highschool sweethearts in every magazine, even though they haven't gotten married yet. They're seen as the perfect couple, even soulmated couples wish they could be as perfect as them.

The couple lives in a bridged home. One side is for Itachi and his arts; the other side is for Izumi and her social media life. Between them is a hallway, or a bridge, that connects the otherwise separated houses.

Izumi only invades Itachi's space for dire questions, like what she should wear for her vlog. Itachi hardly ever goes over to her side, only to bring her breakfast in bed or to kiss her goodnight.

They are deeply in love.


In Itachi's room, Izumi stations herself in front of a full-length mirror, applying eyeliner and mascara. Itachi, who's done with piano practice, fixes his hair for the day.

"Itachi," Izumi starts. "If I was a slug, would you still fall in love with me?"

"Well, if I were a slug also, you'd be my mate for sure," Itachi says.

"You're so sweet."

Izumi spots him in the mirror, brushing his hair into his standard low hanging ponytail. She smiles, stopping her routine, to turn around.

"Itachi," she calls his name, but softer this time. "Are you ever gonna cut your hair?"

"Hm. Maybe. An undercut probably."

Izumi laughs. "No, no! That might look bad."

"Maybe I'll cut my hair like Sasuke."

Hearing Itachi's little brother's name makes her body deflate. She sighs. Dealing with Sasuke was always hard, and when Itachi decided to move in with her, their relationship became worse.

"Do you think Sasuke likes me?" She asks, returning to her makeup.

Itachi participated in this conversation before. No matter whatever he says, no matter how many times he's resolved it, she always comes back to it. "Yeah! Of course, he does."

"He gives me the cold shoulder a lot. I can't even get a simple hello from him."

Itachi sighs and sits behind Izumi. "Look, baby, Sasuke always gives people the cold shoulder. He's a moody kid---always has been. He even gives me, his amazing older brother, an evil glare," Itachi explains for the millionth time. He wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck and shoulders. "I mean, who wouldn't love you? The most beautiful woman in the world."

Each kiss tickles her skin, and she messes up on her eyeliner. "Ita! Stoooop! Haha!"

"I can't," Itachi murmurs into her skin. "You're just so beautiful."

"You'll mess up my makeup!" Izumi whines, pushing her hips back at him. She caps her lipstick and tosses any other makeup to the side.

Itachi pulls her back towards the bed, chuckling to himself. "I don't mind a little messy makeup."

She squeals as they both fall to the plush bed. This is where her mood lifts. Itachi always knows how to cheer her up. His arms are her safe-haven, and his words do so much to comfort her.

She turns in his arms to face him. The intense stare between them could make sparks fly. One glance at his lips, and they're smashing their faces together. Her hands are all over him.

They pull apart just enough to say:

"I love you, Izumi."

"I love you, Itachi."

Clothes come off. Their love for one another burns brighter than fire. It's hot, wild, and loud. They leave marks on the other's body to show their intense passion. Only labored breaths and moans fill the room. At some point, they reach their limits, and only a hum of satisfaction remains.

In the end, Izumi's makeup is ruined.


A/N: had to change Izumi's last name cause her being Itachi's distant cousin is like *shudders*.

Among The Stars .:Itachi x Fem!Reader:. Soulmate AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt