A gasp escapes my lips. "Is she okay?"

He nods his head, his fingers massaging the back of my head again. "Yeah, she was shocked when she saw me."

"She hasn't seen you in three years." I whisper.

He pulls back, glancing down at me. "I know she misses you; I know they all do."

"I know, I do know that."

"Is there a message you want me to give to them, the Boss has me attending school with them."

I pause, trying to find the right words. "Tell them, I'm okay. Tell them that I miss them."

"I will, I promise."

"Thank you, Marcelo."

"You have to stop thanking me."

"I can't, you've kept me sane. You're the only connection I have to them."

"I'll always be here, even if I'm not here." He squeezes me to him. "Now go to sleep."

I snuggle into his arms, letting his comforting presence soothe me and lull me to sleep.

• • •

The door slams open, and I snap up in bed, eyes wide.

He stalks in, blue eyes glancing around the room in curiosity.

"Good morning, darling."

My hands shake and I ball them in my lap, willing them to stop rattling.


"How'd you sleep?" He walks around the four-poster bed before coming up to my side.

I swallow. "Fine."

"That's good." He says as if he's interested but I know he's not.

I nod, agreeing with him as my eyes stray to the door.

Marcelo stands there by his dads side, dark eyes staring straight ahead, unflinching.

"Marcelo, boy. Come here."

I clench my fists as Marcelo walks in, his father behind him.

They stop, and Marcelo's father, Alonzo shuts the door.

His face is emotionless, eyes swirling with an unknown emotion.

"How are you today, Marcelo? Did you have a good sleep?"

I watch the man as he walks toward Marcelo as I hold my breath, knowing what was coming.

"Yes, Sir."

"That's good to hear, boy. But tell me, where did you sleep?"

"Pardon, Sir?"

"Where did you sleep, it's not that hard of a question to answer, Marcelo." He spits, taking a daunting step forward.

"In my room, Sir."

"See, when your father went looking for you last night, he couldn't find you. So I repeat, where were you?"


"The truth."

"I was here, Sir."

"As I was informed you were. I just wanted to hear it from your disgusting mouth!"

I scream as he raises his hand. Marcelo doesn't flinch as the palm flies and he stumbles back into his father's arms.

The man looks back at me, grey hair falling into blue eyes, the same icy blue eyes as mine and I hate them.

I look down, away from his piercing eyes as another grunt fills the air. Blood drips to my carpet, a puddle forming at Marcelo's feet.

I squeeze my eyes tight as I hear flesh striking flesh and hear a Marcelo's body hits the floor.

A gargled grunt escapes his lips and my eyes snap open.

He's looking at me, a barely perceptible shake of his head but I don't listen.

I jump out of beg, feeling the chain follow as I crash the floor at his side.

A boot slams into my unprotected side and I whimper, folding over Marcelo.

"Mel-" He grunts, and I flinch, my hands falling to his back.

"Remove her!"

"No!" A scratched scream leaves my throat as I curl tightly over Marcelo's body, trying to protect him.

Hands grab at my clothes, pulling me up as I fight weakly in the hold. A hand winds around my throat, holding me to the man's body as I witness Marcelo beating kicked once more.

I cry, tears falling down my cheeks and a gloved hand closes over my mouth, muffling my screams. I heave in his grasp, trying to break free and his hand moves, blocking my nose as I thrash in his arms.

He squeezes my head to his chest, covering my mouth and nose as tears leak from my eyes, the shadows seeping in.

My movements slow, brain fogging as unconsciousness takes me and my body hits the ground in a heap.

Infiltrate [3] - very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now