Start from the beginning

"Stop that, you don't sound crazy Dia. First of all, you're not just a pregnant girl, you're still you baby, you just happen to be pregnant and if I ever made you feel like that I'm sorry, okay? You're a mom, but you're still a human being, Sadiya. You're going to want affection from the man you married regardless if you was pregnant, if yall had one kid or ten. Being a mommy is an important job but you're not just a mom or just pregnant, if you feel like he's been treating you like a damn incubator you tell him that," she spoke.

"B-but I don't wanna lessen his enthusiasm because I wanna act like a brat. This is his baby too, and he's just excited,"

"Okay, so are you! You're excited to meet the baby too. Being excited doesn't mean changing your typical behavior, and you know that. He isn't doing anything wrong by being excited and showing his baby love, that's the cutest shit ever! But you deserve love too and you're not selfish for wanting all the kisses in the damn world because when you weren't pregnant that's what you were getting," she shrugged. "You're allowed to feel both things at once, boo," she rubbed my arm and as badly as I didn't want to I could feel myself getting emotional.

"Aw, Dia! Don't cry, come on let's watch love and hip hop so we can laugh. You and Blue are gonna be good, just talk to him, pooh," she said.

"I-I'll try," I sniffed, leaning on her shoulder while she turned the tv on.


I locked our front door behind me, sighing. I didn't have to pick Maj up, he told me Shaheem was gonna bring him home, so I just got me some food and went home. I was trying to figure out what words to say, I didn't even know how to bring it to his attention without my explanation being ridiculous.

"Why you making mommy feel crazy, huh stinka butt? Mommy just wants some sleep," I chuckled, poking the baby to see if they'd poke their little hand out or kick me.

Both happened.

"Look at you, showin' off pumkin! Daddy not even here and you doin acrobatics for mommy," I laughed. This is all we do when I'm not working, and I love that. My baby a goofball in there, I hope they're just as goofy and happy when they come meet us.

"Bae! Where y'all at?" I heard Maj from my room, and I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself.

"I'm in the room!" I called back. I heard him drop his keys and start walking upstairs with his heavy ass feet, I know he ain't take his shoes off on my carpet. When I beat his ass up, he can't even be mad.

"Wassup, baby. How was Ari?" he asked, kissing my stomach and then holding my face in his hand.

"Ari was fine," I spoke once he let my cheeks go. "U-um baby, can I—can I talk to you about something?" I asked, playing with my nails. I never get nervous like this to tell him anything, we been together almost two years now, and anything I gotta say I say it with my chest, but for some reason this got me scared.

"Yeah, wassup, bae? You good?" he poked his head out the bathroom.

"Um, yeah. There's just something that's been bothering me lately and I wanna talk to you about it," I explained. "Can you come sit, please?" he nodded hesitantly before coming and sitting in my vanity chair.

"Go head, Dia," he said, and I nodded.

"S-so, lately, over the past few months I just—I just been feeling like you haven't really been showing me much affection. Or at least not the way you used to, and-and I know it's because you're really excited about the baby. I'm happy as hell you're excited, because I am too. I just haven't really been feeling like much more than a girl who's pregnant, you know?

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