Fiona nods, shaking and lowers her head in submission.

"Before I go, I want to know. Why does Lizzie think you're dead?" I ask.

Fiona looks up at me nervously, "her father did die in a car accident; the thing was, he was my mate and I was too much of a coward to be a mother.. Especially with the handful that Lizzie was. I couldn't do it alone.

I ran away, and let the police believe I had died with her father." She answers my question fully.

I swallow and nod, I am disgusted with her lack of worry or concern for her child!

Lizzie would never behave this way towards her boys!

My father calls in two of our security wolves and they take her away.

I slump down in my seat, "I can't believe it! I just cant!"

"Don't worry son. We're gonna sort this all out." My dad pats my shoulder.


Lizzie POV

The last thing I remember was a click and a bang before everything went dark and I lost consciousness.

What was going on?

Where was I?

I can't open my eyes or move but I can hear, think and feel.

It's as though I'm paralysed.

"What's the prognosis?" I hear Dean's voice through my blackness.

"Well the bullet narrowly missed Lizzie's organs but caught the spinal cord so she may have some paralysis. We can't be sure how she will heal. Her wolf should help but unfortunately due to the severity of her injuries, Lizzie may never walk again."

In my head I gasp in shock.

My worry is joined by Dean's gasp.

"What can we do? How can we help her? This can't be happening!"

"I'm sorry Mr Law. We can't do anything but wait for now.

I'm sorry."

I am in turmoil!

This can't be happening; I have two baby boys to take care of!

Who shot me?

Who did this?

I hear the opening and closing of a door, and footsteps moving closer.

"How is she?" Holden asks softly.

"I don't know man.. The doctor just said the bullet hit Lizzie's spinal cord. Unless her wolf can heal, she may never walk again." Dean replies, "did you speak to Fiona?"


Who's Fiona?

I only know one Fiona and she's dead.

"She's in a whole lot of shit man. She did this! I am so angry at her!

Who would do that?

Seriously? To her own flesh and blood?"

Say what now?

"To lie to her child.. To let her believe she's dead and to then come back and try to kill her! That's the lowest of the low!" Holden continues.

My stomach turns. My mum is alive?

She was the one that shot me?

She lied!

Why did she try to kill me?

What did I do to warrant that?

With all the anger, betrayal, heartache and fear piercing my body, my eyes shoot open.

"She! She!" I stutter.

Dean and Holden shift towards me, eyes wide and then they rush around me.

"Oh baby! I'm so sorry." Dean gasps, kissing my face, "it's all our fault."

"Lizzie.. Please forgive us!" Holden begs, "we should've protected you."

I can't comprehend their apologies, there's only one thing on my brain.

"She's alive?"

Holden looks at me with sympathy and pain, "yes."

Tears fill my eyes, "she tried to kill me?"


I swallow back tears and the ever growing lump in my throat.

"Why?" I whisper.

"We haven't got that out of her yet." Holden replies.

"I need to see her." I state, and try to pull myself up but everything below my bellybutton is numb.

I fall of the bed comically.



I lay there in shock, and the words from my darkness come back with full force.

"I'm paralysed." I whisper in realisation.

"We aren't sure how your wolf will heal yet." Dean answers my silent questions, "you may make a full recovery."

Holden carefully picks me up and place me back on the bed.

It's as though the world is against me being mated to these two.. All these obstacles in my way, making our relationship impossible.

I'm a failure as a woman, as a mate, as a mother and as a Luna.

I lay there, placing my hands over my face and begin to sob.

My own mother didn't want me, why would my mates or my children?

They're all better off without me!

I deserve to die.

I should've let Mercedes kill me,

I'm pathetic.



"Please go." I whisper, "I want to be alone."

After kissing my forehead, Dean and Holden leave the room.

Loud, screeching sobs reign from my chest, as I realise how little I deserve, how I should've died so many times and someone always intervened.

If I had been killed one of those many times, my mates would've found someone else and been happy.

I ruined their lives, and the boys.

I can always end it now.. Give them a chance at happiness instead of taking care of an invalid like me.

I look around and see a tray of medical instruments; I stretch and reach one of the sides, yanking it towards me.

The tray comes flying and without even trying, a pair of sharp medical scissors soar through the air and impale my neck deeply.

I gasp in pain, and fall back as another sharp thin implement stabs through my hospital gown into my lung.

Well that was easy, I think to myself as the blood seeps out, making me dizzy.

"Goodbye." I whisper, "I love you Dean and Holden.. And my boys. I'm sorry for being so useless. You'll be happy now."

I slowly fall into abyss.

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