Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Perfection, Panic & Pups

I'm laying on the hospital bed in a bright white sterilise theatre room, doctors on my lower half, and a blue paper towel sheet shielding my vision to the operating site.

I want my mates!

I'm so scared!

Why aren't they here?

My lips start quivering; a nurse tells me it's a reaction to the anaesthetic. I wish it would stop so I could concentrate!

"Holden! Dean!" I beg, tears forming in my eyes.

"They'll be here in a moment." Dr Jules tells me.

I lay back, and stare at the ceiling.

I can do this.

I am ready to become a mother; I've waited long enough, right?

All of a sudden the doors to the room swing open and my mates walk in, rushing to my side.

"I'm scared." I whisper to no one in particular.

"Everything will be fine baby." Holden hushes,

"We are right by your side and will help you through this sweetheart." Dean kisses my forehead lovingly.

"Lizzie, can you feel this?" Dr Jules asks.

"Feel what?" I am confused.

"Ok let's start." She nods at her medical team.

I lay there looking into the eyes of my beautiful mates, their support and care for me evident in the depths of their eyes

"You'll feel some tugging Lizzie."

Just as I hear that, an odd sensation fills my bottom half; it is kinda like tugging but as I'm numb, I don't know how to really describe it.

I groan as the tugging becomes overwhelming, but is replaced by a loud high pitched cry; the cry of a baby.

"Hello Alpha." Dr Jules states.

Deacon. I smile weakly, "is he ok?"

"Healthy and happy." Is the reply.

"Time to deliver twin two," Dr Jules says, always in control.

I watch as Holden slides off to the side, and gasps.

The tugging begins again, but I force myself to concentrate on Holden,

"Is he ok?" I ask him, only seeing his back.

Turning around, Holden's eyes are overflowing with happy tears as he holds Deacon.

"Oh Lizzie.. Thank you!" He breathes.

I smile proudly, then turn my attention back to the birth of Declan; who enters the world grunting to himself.

I giggle; just like his daddy eh?

Dean takes his son is his arms with a smile on his face, "hello baby boy."

The room starts spinning, and nausea hits.

"We need a transfusion! She's bleeding out." I hear through my glazed senses.

"Alpha, Mr Law, we need you out. Now."

"No! I'm not leaving her!"

"Over my dead body!"

"Now! Please? We need to concentrate on Lizzie, and you'll want to attack if you see her in pain.

Please out; concentrate on the boys."

I feel kisses touch my forehead before I'm left cold with the sounds of machines and talking medical staff.

I feel like I'm trapped in my body; I can't speak, move or express myself.

The room continues to spin furiously before sending me downwards into darkness.

Darkness that consumes me.


Dean POV

The sight of my son has my wolf and I smiling like loons!

Declan has light brown curls just like his mother, with deep brown eyes and long curled eyelashes, fanning his face.

A pair of tiny red lips; pouted as he sleeps soundly.

"We need a transfusion! She's bleeding out."

Holy shit, what's going on?


"Alpha, Mr Law, we need you out. Now." Dr Jules sounds with authority.

"No! I'm not leaving her!" Holden growls.

"Over my dead body!" I snap.

"Now! Please? We need to concentrate on Lizzie, and you'll want to attack if you see her in pain.

Please out; concentrate on the boys."

Holden and I look at each other, sigh with defeat and leave the room after kissing Lizzie's sheen of sweat covered forehead.

We carry out our boys and sit in the waiting room, waiting for news.

Is Lizzie ok?

What's going on?

Why won't they tell us anything?

I can't lose my mate!

I can't and won't!

I feel helpless; how am I supposed to raise Declan without her?

She's the one with the knowledge and understanding into babies and how to care for them.

I have no idea what I'm doing!

We sit, walk, rant; never letting go of our sons.

Holden is as panicked as I am, struggling to soothe Deacon when he cries for his mum.

That feels like a knife to the gut when we can't soothe them.

"Can you err hold Deacon?"

I look up at Holden, "yeah sure. You alright man?"

He nods, "just need some air."

Carefully he folds little baby Deacon in my free arm before leaving.

"Hey little man.. Your mummy and daddy will be here soon. Just you watch!" I murmur down at the pack's future Alpha.

Hours pass; long exhausting, painful hours of us waiting.

I just want to know Lizzie is ok!

I've loved her for over 2 years; I can't go on without her.


Holden POV

It's been 4 1/2 hours since we left Lizzie's side and I'm losing my mind.

Walking doesn't help; ranting doesn't help; fresh air doesn't help; I can't eat, I can't concentrate on anything other than my son and my mate.

Deacon is a gorgeous reincarnation of his mother; chestnut brown hair, blue eyes and pink lips, with a few tiny freckles on his nose.


"Alpha. Mr Law."

I dart my head up, along side Dean to see Dr Jules stood there with a somber look on her face.

My stomach drops and my heart stumbles.

"No." Dean whispers.

I shake my head in heartbreak, "no!"



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