He sighed and looked the other way.

Lamar: "Alright... Alright. Follow me and I'll take you there."

[Time Skip]

Lamar: "We're here."

We had just stopped in front of a few apartments. They were all connected like a motel, it was... Odd as you stepped out of your car. Kids were playing in a parking lot having a great time.

They were playing jump rope, soccer and some were even on their phones. They couldn't be ranging between the ages of 10 to 15 or older.

Yet, as I stepped out my muscle car, then walk over to Lamar and his van. I could see a few of them staring at me rather perplexed, even some of the 'Families' gangster that stood on the block were staring me down. I grabbed the equipment in the back of Lamar's van. His gun and a rifle I bought him. He wanted something like mine so, I gave him the suitcase for now. however as we made our way out of the parking lot, I looked at Lamar.

Y/N: "Not, a lot of happy faces around here."

Lamar: "Na man. You're the first white guy to have the balls to be here. So they're kind of confused as to why you're here and not running. After all, you know what happens here right."

I nod and cough into my hand, feeling a bit of the tobacco at the back of my throat, finally kicking in. From earlier this morning spring up.

Y/N: "Yeah well... I don't give a shit. Show me your place, best not scare the people around here."

Lamar nods and walks ahead of me as I follow closely behind. I should've been like Lamar and kept my head down. But I never liked being looked down upon by others. So I kept my head high. We walked up the stairs and took a right. But as soon as we hit the second floor Lamar is stopped, then I heard someone screaming at him from around the corner.

???: "Lamar Davis, where the fuck have you been nigga. I thought you said you was gonna help."

I walked around the corner and found a woman shorter than even me, screaming at Lamar as he tightens his grip on his duffel bag.

Lamar: "Shit, was that today? Sorry, Tonya. I was taking care of a bit of business, you know."

???: "Mmmmhhhh, Do I look like a fool to you nigga. Now, who the fuck is she?"

 Now, who the fuck is she?"

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I stepped up to Lamar.

Y/N: "Hello, I'm Y/N L/N. How can we help you?"

She turns to me and takes a step back.

Tonya: "Who the fuck is this?"

Lamar coughs into his hand as he looks to me.

Lamar: "This is my new homie, he opened up that new mechanics shop up the road. He just helping out with some stuff is all."

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