Alexa: "Wake up when were home~"

I chuckle and as she cuddles up closer, using my body as a pillow, as the minutes passed I finally felt the sun hitting my face and realized. I've been in this position for close to an hour now.

I could only chuckle, picking Alexa up and leaned her chair back as she slept in the front seat. I started my car and drove us back into Los Santos.

Passing the secluded streets leading up to the mountainside. I turn onto the main road. As I got halfway to my place. Alexa's phone went off and turn to the glove box, pulling out Alexa's phone to see the caller was Emily. Pulling over I softly shake Alexa.

Y/N: "Hey, Alexa. You've got a phone call."

She didn't respond, she was in a deep sleep. I sigh and pick up the phone.

Y/N: "Hello, this is Alexa's phone?"

Emily: "What? You're not Alexa?"

I turn to Alexa.

Y/N: "She's... Currently sleeping. Listen I'm the guy from last night."

Emily: "You're the guy? What did you with her?"

Y/N: "We didn't do anything bad, we just went partying, drinking. I'm pretty sure we went bowling... I'm not too sure. We were pretty shit faced, I just know we stayed up all night, she's currently sleeping in my car. Where's her place? I'll take her home?"

Emily: "Put her on the phone! Now!"

I placed the phone to Alexa's ear.

Y/N: "Alexa... Wake up." I tap her "Wake up beautiful, you've got someone on the phone."

Alexa: "In a minute..."

Emily: "Where is she?"

Y/N: "Still sleeping."

Emily: "WAKE HER UP!"

I ended the call, about to start driving again. But the phone blares on and I pick it up.

Y/N: "Hello."

Emily: "Do you think you're funny!!!"

Y/N: "You're on life invader right?"

Emily: "Answer the fucking question! Where is she!"

I hung up and again, putting the camera function on and take a picture of Alexa curled up on my seat as my jacket acts as her blanket still sleeping. Then sent the picture to Emily. I phone her again and she picked up.

Emily: "OK, she's fine... Thank god, you didn't do anything to her?"

Y/N: "Where are you?"

Emily: "We live near Vespucci Beach; we're house 30 on Green Street. Don't do anything to her!"

I took my car out of parking and started to drive.

Y/N: "I'll get her there in about ten minutes. If we don't hit traffic."

Emily: "You better, otherwise my boyfriend will have a field day with you."

She hung up and I made my way to Vespucci Beach. We passed a few condo's along the way, even a few beachgoers. When I pulled up to Green street and found a condo. Wasn't that hard either.

The house was cream, much like the rest. It was a nice looking condo and close to the beach. Which seemed amazing given the cost for a place like this. But the one thing that told you, you were in the right place, was there was a very pissed off girl. Wearing all black. Watching your car as it made its way down the street.

Los Santos AdventuresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon