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Stephanie's P.O.V

I got a call from Sabrina


"Stephanie come over here now!" She said

"I am with cody can he come to?" I asked

"Yeah just hurry" she said and with that she hung up

"Who was that?" Cody asked "Sabrina she told me to come to her house now" I said "why?" He asked "I have no idea but I think we should go" I said getting up

We walked to Sabrina's house and as soon as we walked in we saw Justin "what are you doing here" I asked kind of mad "let me explain" Sabrina said she explained the whole story of how Kylie said she was going to hurt her if Justin didn't "I am so sorry Justin I didn't know" I said kind of feeling bad "it is okay" Justin said "yeah me to man I am sorry" cody said "its okay" "group hug!" Sabrina yelled we all hugged each other "hey how about we go Ice skating in the indoor place down the road" I said "yeah!" They all agreed

We walked down the road to the place me and cody holding hands the whole time "so are you good at ice skating?" I asked "yeah what about you" cody asked me "no" I said shyly "it's okay don't worry I will have you the whole time" cody said kissing my cheek.

We walked In and cody paid for me and Justin paid for Sabrina we put our skates on and Justin and Sabrina went on first "ready?" Cody asked me "ready to fall yes" I said "I got you don't worry" we got on the ice and cody wrapped his arm around my waist and and held my hand we were skating around for an hour now and we were all about to get off to grab something to eat and then I saw her.

I looked over at Justin and Sabrina and they didn't see her yet "cody look over there" I said "oh crap why is she here" cody said "I have no idea but Kylie can't see them together I don't want Sabrina to get hurt" I said "okay let's go" we skated over to them.

"Hey guys" I said "hey" they said "Justin can I talk to you please" I asked "yeah" we skated away from cody and Sabrina to the other side "umm I have some news" I said "what is it, is everything okay" he asked "yeah it is just someone is here and I don't think you will like it" I said "who is it" Justin asked "Kylie" I said really low "what?" "Kylie" I said louder "we need for her not to see you or Sabrina because I don't want her to get hurt" I said "I know me either we need to leave" Justin said we skated back over "how about we go back to my house for lunch" I said "yeah" Sabrina said we all got off the ice and returned our ice skates and was about to walk out until

"Justin!" We heard someone yell "who was that" Sabrina said "just go out" Justin got cut off by Kylie "Justin! What are you doing here I miss you we haven't talked I like a week" Kylie said "I have to go" Justin said "wait! Not yet silly" Kylie said "how about you come ice skating with me" Kylie said "sorry I have to leave" Justin said "wait! What is she doing here" Kylie said "she is with me" Justin said "I thought you guys broke up" she said getting mad "not anymore" Justin said grabbing Sabrina's hand

Justin walked out after leaving Kylie standing there. I looked behind me and saw Sabrina looking at her phone "Stephanie can I talk to you for a second" Sabrina asked "yeah" I said we walked away from the boys "look at this" Sabrina said handing me her phone

It was a dm from Kylie

"It isn't over yet I will get Justin back and you will feel worse then you ever have when I am done with you" it said

"Sabrina I am so sorry" I said hugging her

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