Happy Dinner

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(A:N/ SD- Sabrina SJ- Stephanie also this one is going to be long)

Next day

Sabrina's P.O.V

I woke up this morning and I felt so happy. I was glad that I told Justin the truth that I like him. But I don't think I like him, I think I love him. The kiss and hug he gave me it felt so different from the last hug he gave me before he moved. I decided to text Stephanie to see if she wanted to come over.

SD- hey do you want to come over today?

SJ- sure what time?

SD- 12

SJ- ok see you in a little

SD- ok

I decided to brush my teeth and brush my hair. I put my hair in a straight back pony tail. I got dressed into my black high wasted shorts, and a purple crop top. I put on my black vans and headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie" mom said

"Good morning mom. Is it ok if Stephanie comes over?" I said

"Yeah" mom said

"Ok. Where are the boys?" I asked

"They are in the game room." She said

"Ok" I said while finishing a piece of toast and heading in the game room

I was heading in the game room until I heard something.

"She likes to walk in the park" Cameron said

"Oh and she likes to walk on the beach also" Nash said

"Thanks guys"

I heard a familiar voice say. I had to think for a second to see who it was. It was Justin.

"What does she like" Justin said

"She likes to go shopping" Shawn said

"She likes chocolate" Aaron said

"And flowers" Taylor said

I wanted to know what they were talking about.

"What kind of flowers" Justin asked

"Daisy's" Matt said

"She loves ice cream" I heard Carter say

"Anything else?" Justin asked

"Yeah, she loves to wear vans" Jack said

"Do you know what size she is?" Justin asked

"Yeah a 7" Jackson said

"Ok thanks guys see you soon" Justin said

"No problem" I heard all the boys say at the same time

I decided to walk in the game room to get some information.

"Hey guys" I said while sitting on the end of the couch next to Taylor

"Hi" they all said kinda nervously

I knew why they were nervous, it was because they were afraid they were going to tell me what happened.

"So...?" Shawn said awkwardly

"Did any of you make a new video?" I asked

"I did" Carter said

"Oh cool. When does your magcon tour start again" I said

"In a month, I think" Matt said

"Oh you better not be gone for my birthday" I said

"trust me we won't" Jack said

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