Chapter 14 Sans's Friend

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~~~Katie's POV~~~

We were walking for a good amount of time now and I start wondering where are we going at this point. Are we actually- No that's not possible.

"Sans are we almost there yet?"

"Yeah, we're almost there kid."


We continued walking to his friend's house. Why does this look so familiar to me we kept on walking until we got to the door? Wait a minute is this who I think it is. Before I knew it we were standing in front of Toriels purple door.

"Is this your friend's house," I said timidly. 

"Sure is."


 Is his friend Toriel? Maybe that's why she always caught me by the door whenever I explored there. Sans knocked on the door 

"Knock knock."

 What happened to her? I heard a quiet response 

"Who's there?" 

Is this some sort of joke they do? 


"Orange who?"

"Orange you glad I came back."

"Hehe oh boy."

 No, it can't be...his friend is Toriel I wonder how she's doing.

"Hey I brought a friend with me wanna say hi."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you."

" you remember me Toriel."

 She was silent for a few seconds realizing who it was the whole time.

"M-my child?"

Sans looks at me questionably.

"Wait you know them?"

"Yeah, she's the reason I'm not  dead in the ruins."

 I could hear a quiet laugh from the door.

"Well do you two want to come inside?"

"Really!" I said in surprise. 


She opens the door and lets us inside. Her place hasn't really changed much.

"So how does it feel to have a SANSational time."

One of the best times to crack puns was now in the silent hallway.  Well, at least it will keep them occupied for a short while. When we get upstairs she told us to sit down at a table so we could chat and have some pie. I heard a call from my phone and went to the stairs to answer it. 



Oh good, it's just Frisk but why is she calling me now?

"Yeah what is it?"

"I did something bad..."

"What did you do this time."

"Please don't be mad at me ok."

She only says that if she has done something really bad this time. 

"Well, sis it depends on how honest and quick you explain this problem of yours and if you lie to me you will not like what happens next."

 What the hell did I just say to her I hope she won't notice what I said. "Ok! ok Undyne and I might have burned down her house by accident."

"WAIT! WHAT! are you ok, are you injured!"

"Katie calm down we were able to get out the important stuff and ourselves before the fire got worse were alright for now. We will be over at Papyrus's house until it's safe to go back to the house."

"Alright stay safe."

I hung up on the phone because I was on the verge of a panic attack. I calmed myself down and went back to the living room worried as ever and acted like it was okay. 

Heart of Gold ♥Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz