Chapter 5

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Morten is as handsome as he had been yesterday, as handsome as you'd remembered him as being.  You shyly smile at him, until remembering that you're still wearing his jacket.  You slip it off your shoulders, and hand it back to him without saying a word.

"Good to see you again, y/n," Morten says, smiling in a way that makes your core melt.  You turn to Joe, who is looking confused.

"Joe, this is Morten, the lead singer of the unnamed band I'm working with," you explain, but Joe shakes his head.

"I don't believe it though!  What a coincidence!" Now it's your turn to frown. 

"What do you mean?"  Joe laughs.

"Of course!  How rude of me!  Uh, I should explain... Morten and I go back a couple of years... it's funny actually, how we met..." Morten lets out a low groan.

"Do you have to bring this up every time, Joe?" He asks, and he shrugs. 

"I caught Morten's friends-"

"Bandmates, Joe, bandmates." Joe rolls his eyes.

"I caught Mortens... acquaintances stealing plums from my orchard, and we became friends after that, when we discovered we both had a love for music," he explained.  You flicked your eyes over to Morten, who was blushing a furious shade of red.  It was kind of adorable.

No, what am I thinking!  Not adorable!  I can't think like that!  Now now, not ever!  I have to work with this guy, no matter how sweet and charming he is!

You can't help but blush yourself when Morten catches you staring, and then again when you realise you've been so entranced in him that you haven't been listening to Joe.  You shake your head to wake yourself up.

"Y/n?" Morten asks, and you jump a little.  "Are you okay?  You just seem a little... out of it."  You shake your head again.  "You aren't going to flake on me again like yesterday, are you?"  You blush furiously, and bite your lip, watching Joe almost having a fit watching you both.  You made a mental note to prematurely end his life later using a mildly out of tune guitar and a drum stick that you noticed lying next to the mixing desk.

"Uh, no, I'm fine," you stutter, feeling his eyes burn your face.  Why did they have to be so deep and blue and gorgeous?  I could stare into them all day...

You wake yourself up from your newest trance, and avert your gaze from his eyes, trying to remember everything that Joe had taught you about your new job.  After all, Morten and his band needed your help...

"Are you sure?  How is your arm?" He reaches forwards, brushing your bicep with his fingers, searching your face for a sign as to whether he should continue or not.  You let him gently roll up the sleeve of the red blouse you are wearing, examining the cut from all angles, yet still being gentle.  His hands were warm, his touch soft... you were almost a little disappointed when he pulled back, after rolling your sleeve back down over the graze.

"It doesn't hurt," you add unhelpfully, and Morten nods.

"It'll heal, if you let it, and it might not even scar if you're lucky."  You grin, unable to stop yourself.  He seems to have a certain affect on you, making you feel like you are a schoolgirl again when you're near him.  You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling like one as well.

"Thank you, Dr Harket," you say, and he blushes a little, looking away.  Joe lets out a little squeak from the corner, and you startle.  You'd forgotten he was there at all, you'd been so wrapped up with Morten...

"What do you want?" You snapped a little too harshly.  Joe giggled - and you thought you were acting immature.

"I'm sorry, just having a moment," he mumbled, drawing his legs up to his chest.  "I'm sorry, it's just... you two have chemistry, and it's just so cute!" Feeling awkward, and sensing Morten's awkwardness as well, you simply smile back.

"Ha ha, yes, very funny.  I didn't realise it was April Fools day today," you quip, turning back to Morten.  "Don't we have people waiting?" Joe blushed, standing up and trying to demonstrate a little self control. 

"Yes, you two probably... ah, yes, sorry to keep you waiting."  Joe shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot. 

"I just heard you were here today and popped in to say hi," Morten said, a little bit of his Norwegian accent uncovered by the awkward situation.  He added a nervous giggle to the end that made your heart stutter.

That is one of the cutest things I've heard since I moved out from my parents and our cat Monty used to wake me up by purring her heart out in my face... GODDAMNIT why does he have to be so damn cute all the time?  Does he ever stop? Does he realise the effect it's having on me?

You awkwardly smile a goodbye to Joe, and hurry Morten out of the room, shutting the door behind you, and almost breathing a sigh if relief out as you realise it's all over.

Until you see Mags and Pål stood in front of you and remember that it's far from over - you still have several hours you have to spend with them all. 

Regretting with every particle of your being taking the job, you resign yourself to the days' tasks, unlocking the door to the studio you'd been in yesterday.  It felt like years since you'd stood over by the window and first set your eyes on your... project. 

That's what they are, if I can get through this without failing, falling over or falling in love with anyone, I'll be free.  Lauren will get me out of this as soon as possible, I know she will...

You walk into the studio, switching on the lights, heading over to the small window to open the blinds.  It's a nice little place, it's just a shame that the reasons for you being in there are far from the same. 

You almost jump out of your skin when you turn around and almost bump into Morten.  You freeze, every muscle in your body waiting, and wanting for him to do something, like kiss you or put his hands on your waist, but he takes a step back, holding a bottle of water. 

"I left this here yesterday," he said, grinning.  Did he even know he was driving you crazy?  It wasn't good either way. 

What if I drive him as crazy as he's driving me?  No, that's ridiculous... 

You shiver, and regret opening the window, until you accept that it isn't the cool breeze that's giving your goosebumps goosebumps, but it's Morten. 

Why do I just want to kiss him so much? 

**A/N -- my brain is broken re-reading this old draft.  I can't NOT update this now...**

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