Chapter 2

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You come to your senses a short while later - well, you are told it was a short while later, anyway.  The first thing you feel is the pain in your arm... and then you hear voices.

"She just... collapsed... she fell down, and then... I think she's hurt..."  You don't recognise the voice at first, but when you open your eyes slowly, you see Pål talking to Lauren, who is looking worriedly over at you.  You try to sit up, wondering for a second where you are, and then realise... you're still on the floor.  Of course, because there aren't any free tables to lay you on...  Your legs are on a chair though, and...

"Y/n?  Are you okay?"  You slowly turn your head to see Morten kneeling next to you, looking worried.  You nod, propping yourself up on your uninjured arm.

"I'm... I'm good, I think."  You notice a pain in the back of your head, and instinctively move to rub it... and then remember the stabbing in your forearm, and stop.

"Just... lie back down, y/n," he said, his voice soft as he takes off his jacket, folds it, and puts it under your head, and you succumb to gravity and let yourself fall back.  "Should I phone an ambulance?"  You shake your head.  "You hit your head in the fall, you should probably-"

"I'm fine, Morten, honestly," you say, noting Mags leaning against a desk behind him, nervously peering over his shoulder.

"Y/n!  Um... I know everything."  Lauren hurriedly kneels down next to you, pressing the back of her hand against your forehead.  "You're not running a temperature... how's your arm?"  You wince as she picks up your hand, rotating your arm.

"Painful," you reply, and glance across to Morten.  Lauren lets out a low hiss.

"You... that looks bad, y/n," she said.  "You need to get that bandaged up.  Maybe I should phone an ambulance?"  You shake your head against the jacket pillow Morten made for you.

"No, I'll... go if it still hurts tomorrow," you reply, desperately willing yourself not to have to go to hospital.  Hospitals were only good for one thing, and that one thing wasn't good.

"Are you sure?  You really should-"

"I'm not going to the fucking hospital, okay?"  Lauren looks startled, and reels back.  You glance at Morten, who looks if anything... a little hurt.

"Okay," Lauren says.  "But you're taking the rest of the day off."  You go to shake your head, looking back to Morten again, but then submit to the pain in your arm and your head, and nod.  "Are you okay to move?  Do you need a few more minutes?"  You shake your head, sitting up tenderly, drawing your legs back from the chair and gingerly standing up.  Your spine was feeling better now, and even your head was clearing, but your arm...  "And let me dress that for you," she adds, hovering by your shoulder in case you were to fall again.  Morten worriedly steps behind you, trying not to intrude too far but still too caring to leave you.

"Are you going to be okay, y/n?" he asks quietly, and you shrug.

"I'll live," you say, starting to move towards the door.  How embarrassing... 

"That's not what I asked," Morten begins, but is cut off by Lauren.

"What's with the stain?  Is there a cup of coffee somewhere around here I need to hold a funeral for at some point?"  You shake your head slowly.

In the middle of this, you'd forgotten about the coffee.  You look down, to find that your shirt is still transparent, and Morten... it was just your luck, to humiliate yourself in front of the first guy you'd looked at in years and felt... attracted to.  Not that the other two weren't as beautiful, but Morten... he looked at you in a way that made you feel something more than what was expected of a human being.  

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