Chapter 3

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You wake up a few hours later, and everything floods back to you like the dimming light from behind the curtains. You have a new job, a new crush, a coffee-stained top...

Groaning and cursing your entire life in the process, you head downstairs, pulling a top on from the cupboard, and hanging Morten's jacket on the corner of the door. Morten... just the thought of how you had humiliated yourself in front of him made you want to crawl back under the covers and hide away for the rest of your life, but you had something to do.

You head straight for the sink, fishing the top out from the water. The stain has worked its way out a little, and the water is a little murky, and you sigh heavily as you ring it out, and hold it up, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in your arm.  God, I'm a mess, you think to yourself.  I am such an idiot... 

You jump as a loud bang cuts through your house, and abandon the top back in the water as you run to see who is knocking on your door at this time in the evening.  You open it, bleary-eyed, and are shocked to find a hysterical Lauren on your doorstep.

"Ohmygoodnessareyouokay?" she half screams, covering her mouth.  "I've been ringing for the past hour, and I decided I needed to come over... I just wanted to check if you were okay or not..."  You instantly feel guilty about your nap, and nod.

"I'm fine," you say, tousling your already messy hair.  "I'm just... I fell asleep and I've only just woken up, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... come in, I'll make you a coffee."  

Lauren steps inside, wiping her feet on your mat and slipping her heels off in your hall.  "Really, though, how are you?"  You shrug.

"I've been much better, but I've also been much worse," you reply, clicking the kettle in the next room on.  "If I'm being honest... it's more the emotional pain now.  My arm isn't that bad, but my ego may never recover."  Lauren giggles.

"You seem to be getting on well with the band," she says.  "So what actually happened?  Pål told me something about a drum kit, but... you didn't break anything, did you?"

"Other than myself, no," you laugh.  "I went to lean on something and it turned out to be a cymbal, fell over, knocked a cup of coffee over myself in the process - it was kinda cool by then, so it didn't burn or anything, and then I got up, passed out, and... well, you know the rest."  Lauren nods, trying to keep a straight face.

"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson about leaning on drum kit components," she replies.  "Other than that... how is your new job going?"  You laugh again.

"I have no clue what I'm doing, but the people I'm working with are nice," you reply.  "The band are nice," you add after a short pause, and Lauren rolls her eyes.

"Just... keep it professional, okay?  No smooching behind closed doors or... just don't, it'll make things a lot less awkward for both of us."  You instinctively blush as you think of Morten, the worried look on his face and the awkwardness of everything that has happened in the last day.  

"I doubt any of them will want anything at all more to do with me after today's multiple disasters," you sigh, trying to get the cute Norwegian band out of your head, despite the fact that Morten's smile had made a distinct impression on you.  

"Well, if you need some time off to recover, you can have tomorrow off if you want," Lauren offered, as you poured two cups of coffee.  "I'm not going to force you to come in if you can't, I'll the the boys to-"

And make things even more awkward for them? No thanks.

"No, I'll come in.  Won't do me any good to mope now, will it?"  Lauren sighed.

"There's a difference between moping and taking a step back you know, y/n," she replies, shaking her head.  "I really do recommend that if you aren't going to go to hospital then you at least consider taking a few days to recover from this.  That cut on your arm was bad."  You shake your head again, firmer this time.

"I'm not quitting so easily," you say, slamming your mug down on the counter.  "I'm coming in tomorrow whether you like it or not." 

Lauren finished her coffee, and slid her mug across the counter towards the sink.  "Well, if you insist, I'll tell the boys you'll be in at twelve.  That gives you a lie-in, so use it.  Okay?" You nod, submitting yourself to the inevitable mothering that came with getting injured in the presence of Lauren Savoy.

"Okay then, fine.  I'll be in at eleven, okay?  To set up, and maybe even find out what I'm meant to be doing." Lauren laughs again.

"Alright, alright.  I really can't tell you what to do, can I?  Stubborn little thing." You roll your eyes, and shake your head. 

If you were being honest with yourself, you would admit that the main reason you wanted to go into work wasn't because you liked the new job - if anything, you were starting to hate it more than it hated you - but because you were intrigued by the three musicians.  Their demo track had been... unique, to say the least, but it had a future to it, and you were sure Mags, Pål and Morten did too.  And as for the way that the latter made you feel all shaky and flushed... that was a different matter altogether.

As Lauren said, you had to keep it professional, after all...

**Author's note - I typed this on my phone, and I don't have spellcheck, so if you notice any mistakes, PLEASE tell me!  I won't be offended!

Also, how are y'all finding this mess of a fanfic?  Want me to continue or just throw it in the bin on the way out?  Feedback of all sorts, good or bad is wanted!  =^..^=**

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