1: X-Factor Bois

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My hands were sweating, my stomache was upset. My mind waited in anticipation. When my fellow contestant walked by me crying I didn't want to go. I didn't want to be her. My mum hugged me and whispered calming words. When Mark told me it was my turn I hugged my mum tighter. She told me to take a deep breath and sing my heart out.

I took a deep breath, kissed my mums cheek and walked on stage with a huge smile.

Whoa the crowd was bigger than I expected. The judges asked my stupid questions and the crowd would awe at random moments. Finally they said

"When your ready"

I don't think they would notice if I ran off stage. Or if I just danced my way out....would they? Instead of getting so worked up. I imagined myself in front of a girl, I don't remember who she was but she looked so familiar. Out of no where my voice started singing, I couldn't control myself. Whoever this person was, they were giving me some type of confident that I never knew I had.

After finishing the song the judges and the crowd were standing and clapping. I felt so proud and happy. Cheryl was the first to speak and man she looked hotter in person.

"Well Harry, you certainly have a beautiful voice. It's strong and I really think you can it far" she spoke with her mixed accent.

"Your great, I think one of the best performances I heard yet. I really hope I get to hear that voice more" Simon spoke he looked so serious, I almost burst out laughing

"Listen kid, your great. Your voice is beautiful but I don't think your ready. Maybe come back in a couple of years and try again"
Everyone in the crowd started booing and Simon waved them on. A little boo even escaped my mouth.

"I think Louis is just playing with ya, your great" Cheryl winked at me and I think I almost fainted.

"Well judges what do you think?"

"Sorry it's still a no"

"Well Harry you got 2 yes' so YOU MADE IT TO BOOTCAMP"

I gasped and started smiling and jumping around feeling so happy. I can't believe I made it, it seems like a dream. I thank all of them and walk off stage. I jump into my mums arms and feel everyone wrap their arms around me.

"I'm so proud of you son" Robin looks up at me

"I'm proud too" I smile up to him

"I guess I'm gonna finally get your room" Gemma playfully punches me, I can see in her eyes that she's about to cry.

"Let's go pack?"


I was so nervous. This was the first time I left my family to go somewhere I've never been before. This could basically tell me what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.

"Harry Styles?" Some guy with a long white beard asked.

"Yes that's me" I smile and he points to a hallway which leads me to a huge stage with rectangles on it.

"Is he the last contestant?" Simon asked

"Yea he is"

"Okay, now that we have all of you guys. In order to pass bootcamp you have to show us your dance moves" Some bald headed guy spoke.

"We have assigned you guys to different mentors and you guys have only 24 hours to show us what you've got" Nicole spoke with the most calming voice.

We all were directed to different mentors and everyone went to practise. About 5 hours of practising I needed a washroom break. We've been practising for so long and I've drunk about 10 water bottles.

Eighteen (H.S//S.G)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora