28: Childhood

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"You what?" he asks in shock.

"I didn't want to admit it, but thinking about what we had. I have never felt that with anyone Harry, you truly made me happy" I say, tears beginning to gather in my eyes.

"thats great we can-"

"but, I have a boyfriend Harry. And honestly I love Justin, he's been there for me, and you have a girlfriend" I try to reason.

"I don't love her though!"

"Harry you treat women like shit, you used your charm to get us into that museum. Then you had the audacity to go flirt with the women looking at those lyrics, all while having a girlfriend."

"Yea, cause I stopped caring about what girls think and want from me. Its all for my pleasure."

"I don't want that in a relationship if thats how you have become"


"what do you mean?" I scream.

"I truly loved you Selena, I really really did and you just left me. You left me when I was just about to confess my feelings. You know how shitty that feels?" His arms were flying everywhere

"Harry I'm sorry for what happened but that doesn't mean you can act this way" I exclaim.

"I've never loved anyone after you. We used to be so inseparable. What happened to that?" He questions.

"We grew older Harry, we were separated for so long!" I try to tell him. Try to find a reason why our friendship depleted.

"No, you never cared for me. No one ever cares for me. Oh wow, we're some powerful people so we can just treat either people like shit. Fuck this, let's go home" his temper always got the best of him. He began walking back into the dark woods. His longboard strides were no match for my tiny waddles.

He was walking down the path so quickly that I had to almost run just so I wouldn't get lost. Once we reached the bottom. Surprisingly harry opened the door for me, I got in but he slammed the door still hinting at his anger. Then he walked to his side and got into his seat, not even bothering to put his seatbelt on.

The drive was even more quieter than the previous ride. I just looked out towards the window too confused to have just one solid thought.

Harry took us to some empty parking lot where our bus was parked. He just turned off the engine, stepped out, helped me with my door and strutted to the bus. I closed the door walking behind him.

He handed the car keys to some person in the suit and then walked straight to the bedroom, but not without slamming the door.

Everyone's eyes were on me.

"I don't even know if I want to mention it" Liam stated.

"Tell me what's wrong love" Louis assures, while patting the seat beside him. All the yelling and emotions suddenly rushed towards me and I began to ball my eyes.

"Why's he hate me so much?" I plead.

"Love, he really loved you, he's always loved you and wanted you for so long. It's frustrating not getting what you want" louis says while looking at me sorrowly.

"Yea but one second he tells me he loves me, then the next he's shouting at me" I explain to Louis.

"You need to be nicer to him, u need to talk to him. Poor lad has been put in such a position that restricts him from everything"

"What do u mean?" I ask confused.

"Management is really on Harry's ass. They want to make as much money off of him as they can get. He hardly visits his family, he's force to date women he doesn't like, they restrict him from so many things. It's not easy on him either" Louis tells me. My heart aches for him, he was being treated so poorly no wonder he thought no one cared. Everyone he loved was forced out of his life.

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