16: I'll Just Go Back

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Walking into my hotel building I walk by the receptionist who smiles at me and begins to open his mouth. Instead of sticking to hear what he was about to say I just nod my head at him and continue walking towards the elevators. I click the 36th-floor button and the moment the doors start to close I let out a breath of air.

The feeling of the elevator going up applies pressure on my body making me feel like all my worries are about to slip out of me and disappear. I watch the little screen on the wall increase.






The door opens and I blink picking up my bag off the floor and walking towards the door sluggishly. The moment I slip out the elevator onto the white tiles I bump into a skinny body. Looking up those long legs to a black "ride the lightning" shirt that was completely ripped around the chest area, awfully similar to the one Justin owns but obviously not as ripped.

"Heyy! Selena right?" She leans in for a hug. Remember that she's dating Harry I give her a fake smile back and hug her.

"Yea and you're Kendall, right? I saw you modeling for Calvin Klein, your face is on their display downtown in front of the store" I try to initiate conversation, she just smiles and tells me she has to go. I just nod and walk towards my room.

Walking to room 3606 I reach into my bag for the door card, rummaging through all the useless crap I keep in my bag, at the very bottom I see the shiny black plastic with gold writing. I tap the card against the scanner which lets out a little click indicating that I can come in. Lazily grabbing the handle I twist it and push against the door opening up to a messy room.

When I get in I see Justin step out of the shower with a towel around his lower waist and his wet hair dripping fresh water droplets against the ground leaving darkened spots against the carpet flooring.

"Oh hey, you're here early" he smiles and leans against the door frame.

"Oh I'm sorry I could leave if you want" I mutter dropping my stuff on the ground and throwing my body against the bed on top of the rubbish and clothes.

"I didn't mean it like that, how was your day?" without changing into more comfortable clothes he sits on the bed beside me. Throwing all random crap on the ground and kicking it to one side. Then returning by throwing a hand over my shoulder and laying beside me.

"It was fine" I muffle into the pillow.

"Do you want a massage?" he asks getting up

"Hey want to get some dinner or just order pizza?" I ignore his small talk because I was completely exhausted and I wanted nothing more than just stuffing my face with food and sleep.

"Let's just order pizza," Justin says taking out his phone to search up the closest Pizza Pizza.

"I had pizza for lunch how about Chinese?" I suggest turning around and looking at him with my cutest eyes.

"Sure il go order it, you put on a movie and we'll just have a lazy night in?" I thought over the plan and it sounded like heaven.

I go grab the remote for the TV and click on the Netflix icon to pick a movie while I hear Justin calling a Chinese takeaway.

Looking through the movie I see "The Notebook" which so happens to be Harry's favorite movie and I remember us watching it almost every week and Harry would cry every time, which then lead that story to another story and another that I didn't realize how long I was just staring in space.

My hands moved faster than my head and I clicked okay and the movie was about to play. Right when the movie started playing Justin comes in.

"Oh, are watching the notebook? love it. The Chinese should be here sorry for taking so long I went to get some pillows and sheets" he says sitting down on the bed and giving me a pillow and a blanket.

Right, when we both got snuggled up the phone started to ring. Getting the hint Justin picks it up and tells the front desk to bring it up. After a couple of minutes, we hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Justin says walking to the door and getting our food.

He comes back, closes the lights and sits down giving me my box of noodles and we began watching the movie again.

But I couldn't focus on the movie because my mind kept thinking about Harry and what made him act the way he did today.

My mind went back to mine and Harry's adventures. I didn't even realize I fell asleep.


Ohhhhh wowowowo one more day till the concert ;))))) I'm so excited are u? ALSO HAPPY 1 YEAR OF SIGN OF THE TIMESS

Eighteen (H.S//S.G)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt